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幸好,无妨,还是…好。Just as well adv.

幸好运气和他们同在。But luck stayed with them.

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幸好,那只是历史。Luckily, it is just history.

幸好随后下了一场及时雨。Happily a good rain followed.

幸好谢丽儿没有听她的话。Luckily, Cheryl didn't listen to her.

幸好只有这一个喇叭出了问题。Luckily, it was just the one speaker.

幸好附近就有一个出租车候客处。Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby.

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“啐,”他说,“幸好是个死人!"Come," said he, "it's only a dead body.

幸好我从她的指缝里溜掉了。Fortunately I slipped through her fingers.

幸好,我把这些欢笑都用手机拍下来了。Luckily, I shoot the dulcet time by my cell.

或许他应该说,幸好是短暂的。Perhaps he should have said fortunately short.

幸好我避开了罪犯的匕首。Fortunately I warded off the criminal's dagger.

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那狗狗太调皮了,就爱到处乱跑,主人都快跟不上他了,幸好狗链儿一直在手里!Luckily his master always get the chain in hand.

幸好,我省去了这趟出行和麻烦。Happily, I was spared the journey and the trouble.

幸好我们还可以做更深入的研究But luckily, we can do a little bit better than that.

幸好他们有十几个冰窖。人人都有得住。Fortunately they had a dozen ice cells. Room for all.

幸好这出戏并不靠他来撑场面。Luckily the strength of the piece did not depend upon him.

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幸好及时送到医院,缝了三针。Fortunately, promptly sent to the hospital, three stitches.

没办法只好跟她去办公室了,幸好那天班主任不在。No choice but to go with her office, but not in that class.

幸好班吉斯震惊之余也没细想。Fortunately classes Regis shocked I did not think carefully.