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详细情况见下文的叙述。Specific situations are described below.

其刑事管辖权在下文讨论。Its criminal jurisdiction is discussed below.

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下文这位不名一文的强人教你如何免费开派对。The Moneyless Man knows how to party for free

这个元对象在下文描述。This meta-object is described in detail below.

加色法原色参阅下文。Additive primaries See Additive primary colours.

这句晦涩的话,下文将有说明。This dark assertion will be illuminatd later on.

女孩急于知道故事的下文。The girl thirsted for the next episode of the story.

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我将在下文讨论其他不便之处。I discuss other inconveniences in the sections below.

故事有了下文,但小容容的哥哥的生命已经结束了。Now the story is going on, but not the little boy's life.

见下文的完整名单在瑞典的国定假日。See below for the full list of national holidays in Sweden.

这则离奇的猫鼠故事还有下文。And this strange cat-and-mouse story has yet another wrinkle.

下文的前八张摄影作品均来自此书。The first eight photographs in this entry are from that book.

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为下文具体设计审级制度进行铺垫。Below for the specific design of the trial-level system of bedding.

通过阅读下文你就可以学到获得高质量睡眠的几种方法。Read on to learn some of the ways to get a good quality night's sleep.

“我去打开琴,伊丽莎,下文如何,你自个儿明白。”"I am going to open the instrument, Eliza, and you know what follows."

装置验收有可能在下文所述的任何一个里程碑发生。Acceptance Of The Plant may occur at any milestones as described hereafter.

继续阅读下文,详情了解未来发展趋势的绿色梦想家园。Keep reading to find out the details of this futuristic, green-dream house.

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本文提出的系统和检测方法如下文各部分。The proposed system and methodology was presented in the following sections.

下文将集中讨论这本书中阐述的政治和教育理念。The following notes focus on the political and pedagogical ideas of this book.

邺下文人集团是中国历史上第一个文学色彩极为明显的文人集团。The scholar group of Yexia is the first one which shows strong literary color.