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他随叔父取名汤马斯。He was named Thomas after his uncle.

比尔的叔父认为这个想法不错。His uncle agreed that it was a good idea.

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国王向叔父报了杀父之仇。The King avenged his father on his uncle.

“没有,没有,没有,”叔父快快活活地说。"Without doubt, " said the polished uncle.

你好,简伯母,杰克叔父。我已经到了!Hello, Aunt Jane, Uncle Jack. I've arrived!

那孤儿托给她叔父照料。The orphan was consigned to her uncle's care.

我生日时叔父给我寄来一个大包裹。My uncle sent me a large bundle on my birthday.

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哈姆雷特向他叔父报了杀父之仇。Hamlet revenged his father's death on his uncle.

哈姆雷特向他叔父报了杀父之仇。He was burning to avenge the death of his father.

这些孤儿的叔父成为他们的监护人。Their uncle was declared guardian to the orphans.

戏未演完,叔父坐立不安,仓皇退席。Play not finish, uncle fidgeting, cut exclusionary.

叔父觉得让云深吃吃苦也是好的。Uncle feel let cloud deep eat hardship is also good.

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他的家族中叔父这一支系已移居澳大利亚。His uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Australia.

二叔父约翰是学染工,我相信是毛织品的染工。John, my next uncle, was bred a dyer, I believe of wool.

我不想象父皇和死去的两个叔父那样终其一生。I don't want to end up like my father or my two dead uncles.

九点钟时我听到叔父用弹簧钥匙开门厅。At nine o'clock I heard my uncle's latchkey in the hall door.

哈姆雷特向叔父报了杀父之仇。Hamlet revenged himself on his uncle, for his father's death.

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他的叔父在内战中失去了一条左臂,成了残废人。His uncle was disabled in the civil war, he lost his left arm.

叔父有病,不能接站,直接前往友谊宾馆105房间,已预订。Uncle ill unable meet proceed friendship hotel rm 105 reserved.

我,高高的个子,金黄色的头发,白皙的肤色,一只手搭在叔父麦罗斯的驼背上。Me, tall, blonde and fair with my hand on Uncle Melrose's bent back.