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我叹口气,抬头看了看。I sighed and looked up.

他抬头一看,面露怒容。He glanced up with a scowl.

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他气喘吁吁地抬头望着它。Panting, he looks up at it.

匍匐的猫儿——抬头看着。The creeping cat,looked up.

这次,她抬头看着我。This time, she looked at me.

抬头仰望,满眼都是鲜润的蔚蓝色。Looked up, the eyeful are blue.

抬头看见阴云密布。Look up and see dark storm clouds.

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她抬头看著阴沈的天。She looked up at the lowering sky.

抬头、浅笑、这世态的悲凉。Look up, smile, the world desolate.

惊惶失措下,我抬头看向爱德华。I looked up at Edward, panic-stricken.

请抬头上望,窗扇已被闯破了脸。Look up and see the casement broken in.

雷抬头看了他睨视著。Ray looked him up and down, and leered.

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他吓了一跳,抬头一看是芮黎真。He glanced up, startled, to see Rizzoli.

抬头望去,我看见那只古铜色的蝴蝶Over my head, I see the bronze butterfly

曲膝,吸气,向前跳,抬头,向上看。Exhale, fold forward , look up your nose.

低头做烧饼,抬头防意外。Head up and prevent accidents do pancake.

抬头极目远方,看见微微闪烁的灯光?。My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim?

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往崖底望去,原来有一只凶猛的狮子正抬头看着他。When he looks down, there's a savage lion.

呆如石像,抬头向上空凝视着她,而她膨胀着Stare up at her petrified, while she swells

为什么叫“龙抬头”呢?Why is it called "dragon lifting its head"?