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整个检查过程同步记录心电图及心音图。ECG and phonocardiogram were recorded by synchronization.

听著你跳跃著的心音,抚摸你柔细的身躯。Listen to the leaping sound of your heart, Harass your skinny body.

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此外,系统还可以对用户的心音听诊能力进行测试。Besides, this system can be used to test users' level of auscultation.

这种电路可实现心率数字显示和心音放大监听。Pulsate rate of the heart can be displayed in digital method and monitored.

对高阶统计量方法应用于心音信号分析进行了研究。The application of higher- order statistics to analyzing PCG signal is studied.

本研究的另一个重要内容是心音分析系统的开发。In this paper, we also discussed the development of the heart sound analysis system.

胎心音最早可以在末次月经后10-12周用多普勒听到。Fetal heart tones are first heard with a Doppler instrument 10-12 weeks from the LMP.

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第四心音与左室功能损害及室壁的顺应性差有关。Fourth heart sound correlated with damage of left ventricular function and compliance.

方法基于局部关键点提取心音包络。Methods The way that envelope extraction of heart sounds based on key-points was given.

心音的改变和心脏杂音的出现,往往是器质性心脏病的最早体征。The structural defects of a heart are often reflected in the sounds that the heart produces.

心音信号是心脏在舒张和收缩运动中心肌、血液和瓣膜等机械振动产生的复合音。Heart sound signal is a compound sound of blood fluxion in heart systolic and diastole phase.

尤其是讨论了对剧烈运动负荷后记录的心音进行的识别。Especially, focused on the recognition of heart sound recorded after high intensity exercise workload.

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颈静脉怒张、心音低沉、及奇脉提示心包填塞。Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention, muffled heart sounds, and a paradoxical pulse.

然后应用心脏生理特征参数和阈值方法对第一心音进行了定位。Then, physiological parameters of heart feature and threshold method are used to locate the first heart sound.

1970年以来,医生们常规听取胎儿心音,尽管没有确凿证据表明这有什么好处。Since the 1970s, doctors have routinely listened to fetal heartbeats despite no real evidence that it did any good.

无论寒风阵阵冷雨凄切,我也分明听到我温暖的心音真挚如初。Regardless cold wind array and the cold rain is plaintive, I also hear my warm heart sounds clearly sincere beating.

因为一席话,就成了心音之音,但愿这心灵的开启,成就一番伟业!Because it's words, it becomes a heart sound of the tone, I hope this opens the mind, to achieve something big cause!

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本系统尤其适用于烈性传染病人的心音和呼吸音的监护,具有较高的临床实用价值和社会价值。The monitor system is particularly useful for fulminating infections diseases and has high values of medical and society.

心音时频分析较为典型的方法有短时傅立叶变换、自回归模型、小波变换。The typical methods include STFT, auto-regression model and the wavelet in the time-frequency analysis of the heart sound.

当孕期子宫生长小于预期大小,或胎心音消失时,应怀疑稽留流产。A. Missed abortion should be suspected when the pregnant uterus fails to grow as expected or when fetal heart tones disappear.