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贵社里有谁可以教育新社员?Who in your club can educate new members?

新社员无所不在,陶德曼说。New members are everywhere, Dochterman said.

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当然,每位扶轮社员都有自己的家庭。Of course, each Rotarian has a personal family.

教育、邀请及要求扶轮社员支持扶轮基金会。Educate, involve, and ask Rotarians to support TRF.

多少非扶轮社员受益于此计画?How many non-Rotarians benefited from this project?

而且关怀扶轮社员家庭及宝眷只会强化扶轮。RI is successful only when Rotary clubs are successful.

多花些时间观察从事领导职务的扶轮社员。Take the time to observe Rotarians in leadership roles.

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为中国西泠印社社员,现居北京。Now he lives in Beijing as the member of China Xileng Press.

这些庆祝会议开放给所有的扶轮社员与其贵宾参加。The celebrations are open to all Rotarians and their guests.

请举出三种可以增加贵地区社员的方法?What are three ways to increase membership in your district?

社员们干劲十足地建筑一道堤坝。The commune members went at the building of a dam with a will.

扶轮社员都是义工─有些是积极的,有些则否。Rotarians are volunteers — some very motivated, others less so.

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提醒秘书们缴交社员出席报告至地区总监。Report on the progress of Interact and Rotaract in the district.

由扶轮社员填妥,并交回给贵地区。To be completed by Rotarians. Return this form to your District.

公社社员早早起床,获得大量新鲜空气的同时在劳作。Commune members rise early and get lots of fresh air and exercise.

二社员大会之解散决议。The member's congress determines a resolution of disincorporation.

哪些扶轮社社员应加入贵社的公共关系团队?Which club members should work on your club public relations team?

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尹前总监于2002-03年度获选为「3450地区当年最佳扶轮社员」。He was awarded " Rotarian of the Year" of District 3450 in 2002-03.

拟定一个合适的新社员训练计划并与所有扶轮社分享。Request that all clubs participate in a PolioPlus Partners project.

您如何运用公共关系来做为地区层级的社员工具呢?How can you use public relations as a district-level membership tool?