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既然未来正向我们迫近。Now that future looms before us.

当最后时限迫近的时候你会怎么做?What do you do when the deadline looms?

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警察迫近时,那群人便慢慢退后。The crowd slowly gave way before the policeman.

强盗,迫近乐师村。Bandits, Aproaching the musicians' in the village.

国王召开国会以应付迫近眉睫的危险。The king convoke parliament to cope with the impending danger.

闷热,兽群的骚动和迫近,突然压得他喘不过气来。The heat, the closeness of the herd, was suddenly overwhelming.

库兹韦尔认为这一时刻的来临不仅不可避免,而且越来越迫近。He believes that this moment is not only inevitable but imminent.

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敌人在迫近,这一令人寒心的现实突然降临到他们头上了。The chilly reality of the approaching enemy was suddenly thrust on them.

当时间迫近红毯秀正式开始的下午5点时,现场的疯狂进一步升级。As the hour ticks closer to the 5 p.m. showtime, the craziness escalates.

这些名词意指对某些迫近的不吉之事的焦虑。These nouns denote consternation that something untoward may be impending.

“交流中的障碍、嫉妒与仇恨”都在迫近。"Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings" loom.

迫近的希腊债务拖欠所产生的危险是该怎么办。The dangers posed by the imminent Greek default are all to do with how it happens.

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在我们向燃烧着的森林迫近的时候,我注意到原始的橄榄树正被大火吞噬。As we approached the flaming forests, I noticed ancient olive trees consumed by fire.

在西方对中东的幻想中,穆斯林的阴影渐渐迫近,有时阴森可怕。ISLAM looms large, sometimes terrifyingly so, in the West’s vision of the Middle East.

由于日益迫近的危胁,艾尔伯特.爱因斯坦于1932年12月去了美国。In response to this impending threat, in December, 1932, Albert Einstein went to the US.

底特律持续关注着中国汽车工业即将迫近美国市场。Detroit will keep watch over its shoulder for China’s imminent move onto American home turf.

强烈热带风暴「巨爵」迫近,一切课后活动将会取消。The tropical storm "Koppu" is approaching, all the afterschool activities will be suspended.

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经济增长将变得疲软。然而,由于一场至关紧要的选举日益迫近,英国还有很多地方需要加油。Growth will be sluggish. Yet, as a crucial election looms, Britain still has a lot going for it

1944年,随着太平洋战争的展开,美国海军正在迫近塞班岛。In the 1944, as the war in the Pacific unwinds, the US Navy is approaching the island of Saipan.

1944年,随着太平洋战争的展开,美国海军正在迫近塞班岛。这座岛屿上居住着数千的日本人。In the 1944, as the war in the Pacific unwinds , the US Navy is approaching the island of Saipan.