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适用于炼钢转炉、电炉、精炼炉等。Steel making converters, EAFs, ladles and LF furnaces.

溅渣护炉技术是提高转炉炉龄的有效措施。Slag splashing is effective in extending the lining life.

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酸性转炉法使用称为“转炉”的高炉。The Bessemer Process uses a furnace called a "converter".

TSC副枪是用于氧气转炉动态控制用的复合探头。TSO, TSC is a compound probe best-suited to dynamic control.

对转炉捅风眼机机架进行疲劳分析。The framework of converter puncher is analyzed by fatigue analyzing.

是用于转炉前、后大面及炉底等部位快速热补的理想材料。It is the ideal hot patching material the walls and bottoms of converters.

转炉工艺流程能够实现炮弹系列用钢的工业化生产。The BOF process can realize a commercial production of a series of shot steel.

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这种铁粒可作为转炉和电炉炼钢的优质原料。The abrasive grit we get is prime material for electric steelmaking and converter.

对转炉特殊钢生产工艺的技术关键进行了论述。The key technologies for production of special steel in a converter are also described.

转炉倾动装置是转炉炼钢最主要的机械设备。Tilting device of converter is the most important mechanical equipment on steel-making.

文中所用喷管的参数取自宝钢300吨转炉五孔氧枪喷头。In the paper, the parameters of Laval nozzle use the sprayer of Baosteel'300t converter.

三点支承是连接炼钢转炉炉壳和托圈的支承装置,在转炉的倾动过程中起着重要的作用。Three-point sphere brace is the junction device of the converter furnace shell and loop.

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主要叙述转炉出钢检测夹渣的必要性。Necessity of slag detection during tapping steel for basic oxygen converter is discussed.

转炉溅渣效果与吹氮音平值有一定的关系。The effect of slag splashing is some concerned with the sound level of the nitrogen flow.

为解决转炉下料溜管漏水问题,对原下料溜管结构进行了改造,取得了良好效果。The slide pipe of raw material was reformed to solve the water leak, and good result got.

全面介绍表象观察法在转炉操作过程中的应用。The application of observation in the operation of converter is introduced comprehensively.

小转炉钢的清洁度低,不能满足生产优质钢材的要求。The low cleanliness of small converter can't satisfied with the production of prime product.

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转炉烟尘是炼钢生产过程中排出的含铁粉尘。The converter sludges come out of the dedusting system during the production of steel making.

本文提出了一个AOD转炉精炼不锈钢过程的数学模型。A mathematical modeling for AOD converter refining process of stainless steel has been developed.

燃烧炉是无水氟化氢装置的关键设备,它为转炉提供热源。Burning furnace is one key equipment of AHF unit, it supplys heat energy for the turning furnace.