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两个星期后议院就要开会了。In a fortnight the House witt BE sitting.

议院的立法实体有535个成员。A bicameral law-making body of 535 members.

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对,-弗斯特议院曾经提到过,-是的。yep. -Senate First talked about that. -Yes.

教皇有一个由红衣主教和主教组成的议院。The Pope has a house with cardinals and bishops.

在这个议院里,普罗迪政府已经倒台了。The Prodi government has fallen in this chamber.

奥地利的国会由两个议院组成。The Austrian parliament consists of two chambers.

德国联邦议院将继续担任峰会合作者。The Bundestag will continue to be a co-summiteer.

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伊利诺斯州议院弹劾州长罗德。布拉戈耶维奇。The Illinois House impeaches Governor Rod Blagojevich.

议院和白宫都表示这样的讨论是没有意义的,因为这一提案根本不会得到通过。The Senate and the White House said it was a nonstarter.

立法权在两个议院之间分配。The lawmaking power was divided between two legislative houses.

议院,最历害的武器就是嘲笑。In the House of Commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule.

但是对国王和议院来说,存在一个新的生命泉。However for the king and court a new life springs into existence.

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那议院利用他在国会内的权势大肆活动,终使他的法案得以通过。The senator got his law passed ny wheeling and dealing in Congress.

他们在上次议院会议上采取拖延手法使那项改革方案未获通过。They talked out that piece of reform at the last meeting in the House.

作为全民选举的议院,众议院比参议院享有更多的优势。As the popularly elected House, Dáil Eireann enjoys supremacy over the Seanad.

六个月以后,两个议院都一致同意允许醋栗的种植合法化。Six months later, both houses unanimously passed a law allowing currant farming.

依照传统习惯,议院在复活节期间应该休会。The house ought in conformity with ancient usage to adjourn over the easter holidays.

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佩罗西称议院领导人将尽早将方案提交投票决议。Speeker Bloucy saids house leaders will bring the bill for a vote at the earlier date.

他必须确保议院的权利、利益以及尊严得到维护。He has to ensure that the rights, privileges and dignities of the House are maintained.

自1980年以来,形式上的国家元首是奥林奇派的拿骚议院的比阿特丽斯王后。The pro forma head of state, since 1980, is Queen Beatrix of the House of Orange-Nassau.