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请以定通知我!Please keep me inform!

这则启事通知。This not ice apprises.

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她把这件事通知了我。She advised me of this.

通知被人撕下来。The notice was torn down.

请通知我为何我们没有得标好吗?No , I 'm sorry. it wasn't.

请把这个通知用电子邮件发给各位经理。What address do Ie-mail to?

已经通知了他的家人。His family has been informed.

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打电报通知她马上来。Telegraph her to come at once.

吴敏马上通知曹政。Wu Min immediately notify cao.

已经启用电子邮件通知。E-mail notification is enabled.

请把这通知传下去。Pass this notice along, please.

烦请通知印刷工厂。Pls kindly inform printing fty.

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她得到了关于我们抵达的通知。She was apprised of our arrival.

你应该先给我们通知的!You should have given us notice!

好的,但是得通知我爸一下。Fine, but I should inform my dad.

他通知我你到了。He informed me about your arrival.

他把通知钉在布告牌上。He pinned the notice to the board.

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五所里面,我只得到了两封录取通知。I only got two offers out of five.

你方如能报盘,请电传通知我们。If you can offer, please telex us.

通知是用西班牙文写的。The notice is written in Spannish.