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这么热的天使我汗流浃背。The hot day swelters me.

这个人汗流浃背,气喘吁吁地停了下来并点了点头。The man paused and nodded.

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忒提斯看到他正在汗流浃背地工作。Thetis was sweating all over to see his work.

当黎明来临时,他汗流浃背。When dawn came, he was sweating all over himself.

他穿着不合时令的西装而汗流浃背。He was sweating mightily in his unseasonable suit.

当人们汗流浃背,他们通过皮肤失去水份。When people sweat, they lose water through their skin.

浑身泥泞,汗流浃背,还有什么词语能形容现在狼狈不堪的我们?All muddy, sweat, and what words can describe the us now?

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我汗流浃背,象一条搁浅的石斑鱼一样吸着空气。I was sweat-soaked and sucking air like a beached grouper.

当他们来到水闸时,哈里斯已是汗流浃背,骂不绝口。Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock.

莫拓森和芮黎真坐在车里,汗流浃背,可空调里吹出的风居然是热的。Moore and Rizzoli sat sweating in the car, warm air from the AC vent.

龙霸设计,工作不再是汗流浃背的辛劳与疲惫不堪的体力透支。Longba design, work is no longer toil and sweat , exhausted exhaustion.

当你的汗流浃背的足球运动员们乘车回家时,在你的车里放一包苏打粉。Put a sock in your car for when your sweaty football players come home.

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当你汗流浃背的足球运动员们乘车回家时,在你的车里放一包苏打粉。Put a sock in your car for when your sweaty football players come home.

她汗流浃背舂着米,这时有群苍蝇围着她头边嗡嗡直转。As she worked up a sweat, a swarm of flies began buzzing around her head.

说你担心在公共场合演讲,你感到汗流浃背。Say you are worried about having to speak publicly and sweating profusely.

每一场训练结束后队员都是汗流浃背的,回到寝室后的第一件事就是擦汗。A blind soccor player wipes the sweat after a training session in Dalian, China.

磨沙纸时的尘埃厚厚地涂在我脸上和躯干上,汗流浃背。Dust from the sanding operation was plastered to the sweat on my face and torso.

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我在重庆这个长江畔的呈指数级扩张的超级城市中汗流浃背过。I've sweltered in Chongqing, the exponentially growing mega-city far up the Yangtze.

作为他们的儿女,有没有想过风吹日晒,汗流浃背的父亲呢?As their sons and daughters have never thought of wind and sun, sweating of the father?

在公众场合,他有时候会一蹦老高,或是像猴子那样高声尖叫,最后折腾得汗流浃背。In public appearances, he jumps and screeches like a monkey, drenches himself in sweat.