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这是我的遗嘱。This is my will.

他死前留遗嘱了吗?。Do he die testate ?

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人们写遗嘱说。People write wills.

那份遗嘱被宣告无效。The will was adjudged void.

他的遗嘱是由他妻子代写的。His will was written by his wife.

他们没有权利去认证遗嘱。They're not empowered to probate the will.

她可能不知道陈上师的遗嘱。She is probably unaware of Yogi Chen's will.

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他在遗嘱里为孩子们建立了信托财产。By his will he created trusts for his children.

遗嘱要先公证,然后我们才能继承遗产。The will has to be proved before we can inherit.

他的遗嘱已经在公证处公证过了。His will has been notarized in the notary office.

当然,在这个案例中,如果有遗嘱的话,事情可能会好办许多。Of course, in this case a will might have helped.

遗嘱形式规则是遗嘱继承制度中的重要内容。The formal rules is very important in will systems.

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他提醒网民们要对网上遗嘱多加谨慎。He warns netizens to be cautious about online wills.

临终前在遗嘱上加了附录。She added a codicil to her will just before she died.

他所拥有的财产将在他的遗嘱中被转让。His property holdings will be disposed of in his will.

老人临终时气喘吁吁地说出了他的临终遗嘱。The old man panted forth the hope on his deathbed will.

遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱。A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.

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顾诵读遗嘱者多,遵循遗嘱者少。But the Testament is more often chanted than carried out.

所有的遗嘱都应该正确,明确且详细。All wills must be accurate, unambiguous and comprehensive.

一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人的签字。A will nee ds the signature of the testator and two witness.