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眼泪一滴滴地从我的眼角流下。Tears trickled out of the corners of my eyes.

她的眼角开始起皱了。She's beginning to get wrinkles round her eyes.

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她眼角开始出现皱纹了。She is beginning to get winkles around her eyes.

我看着他眼角上的皱纹。I look at the crinkles at the corners of his eyes.

然后她的眼角滚出了泪水。And two tears slide out of the corners of her eyes.

眼角溢炪点点閁烁悳汨洸。The corner of the eye spills over the evasive tear up.

我用眼角瞅着你,你什么也不要说。I wear you with the eye Cape , you what also do not say.

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她害羞地从眼角里瞥了他一眼。She glanced shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.

洗脸时应该用毛巾洗眼角吗?Should be canthus washed with towel when washing a face?

最后那滴泪没有从眼角中流下。The last drop of tears, not from the corner of his shed.

他乜斜着眼睛,眼角挂着讥诮的微笑。He squinted with a sneering look in the corner of his eye.

头痛,脑胀,眼角痛,肾亏,头晕,眼花,腰酸,背痛。As dizziness, blur vision, low back soreness and back pain.

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我从左眼眼角看过去,那灾难性的天空。I looked out of the corner of my left eye at a sinister sky.

除去眼角皱纹的方法还有一种是全脸按摩。Remove eye wrinkles, there is a way to massage the whole face.

她凝望着他,睫毛膏模糊在眼角,脸颊上有泪。She stared at him, her mascara smeared, tears upon her cheeks.

西蒙·迪达勒斯把眼角那么一吊,学他学得可像哩。Simon dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes screwed up.

他凝视着地面,从他的眼角打量着我。He stares at the ground, studies me from the corners of his eyes.

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我正坐在办公室里,c从眼角余光发现了它。I was sitting in my office and saw it out of the corner of my eye.

年华翩跹,舞出了眼角的细纹,又是一年。Love Fantasy, dance out the eyes of fine lines, but also one year.

她看着他,眼泪从眼角,顺着脸颊滑了下来。She looked at him, and tears from canthus , slipped down his face.