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动乱,然后是饥荒。Then if convulsion, then famine.

所以这里有很多动乱。So there's quite a lot of unrests here.

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这所大学正在酝酿着动乱。Trouble is boiling up in the university.

他在动乱的波雅尔世界幸存了下来He emerges from the violent world of Boyars.

他们因制造动乱而再次入狱。They were reimprisoned for causing a disturbance.

那个国家的人民生活在动乱不安的时代里。The People in that country live in troubled times.

中国的20世纪80年代末是一个动乱不安的时期。The late 1980s were an unsettling period for China.

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典狱长的权威在动乱后下降了。The warden's authority diminished after the revolt.

任何显着的社会动乱都会使他感到不安。Any marked disturbance of the society unanchors him.

最大的变化时从和平时期进入动乱。The biggest change was from peacetime to mobilization.

但是处于政治动乱中的他根本没有安全感。But he didn't feel safe there amid the political turmoil.

绝对主义并非仅仅由于这场动乱而产生Absolutism did not simply just emerge out of this turmoil.

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动乱时,家是一汪平静的清泉,又是一座精神的圣殿。Unrest, home is a quiet and a spirit of spring, the temple.

这类公司经常是到动乱地区训练部队。Oftens the companies are training armies in turbulent areas.

贫困、动乱的根源在于过剩人口。Impoverished, the turmoil root lies in the surplus population.

但是本周的动乱也催生了其它词汇的新鲜的用法。But this week's unrest has thrown up other linguistic novelties.

即便是在动乱的萨瑟克地区,他的坏脾气也是广为人知。He had a reputation even in tumultuous Southwark for his temper.

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动乱已经波及了以前和平安宁的省分。Instability has spread to a number of previously benign provinces.

一个疲软的政府,就会带来更大更强的动乱。A weak and fatigue government will bring along more social unrests.

这个村靠着自给自足安度几世纪的动乱。Through self-sufficiency the village survives centuries of turmoil.