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两个寡头政权都没能持续哪怕一年。Neither oligarchic regime lasted even as long as a year.

北方有寡头的趋势,南方也一样The North had budding oligarchies, just like the South did.

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我国成品油市场是一个寡头垄断市场。The refined oil market is an oligopoly market in our country.

与普京有很大分歧的该政治寡头则否认参与其中。The oligarch, a bitter enemy of Putin, has denied any involvement.

寡头生产的产量比垄断大,价格比垄断高。Compare the quantity and price of an oligopoly to those of a monopoly.

卡特尔是寡头垄断市场中厂商的一种重要勾结形式。Cartel was an important collusive way of firms in the oligopoly market.

那些没有身陷囹圄和流亡海外的“寡头”的确在政治上都选择了“沉默是金”。Those “oligarchs” not in prison or exile are indeed politically quiescent.

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你就可以看出他们双方,都有点寡头主义本质You could argue that both sides had essentially the same kind of oligarchies.

它还应该打破寡头卖主垄断的局面,对竞争开放,如在电信业部门。It should open up oligopolies , such as in telecommunications, to competition.

恰恰相反,它在平衡几个寡头团体发挥作用。Rather, it functions by balancing several oligarchic groups within the system.

一个正在恢复的世界强国,或是一个有蹩脚市场经济的腐败寡头?A recovering world power—or a corrupt oligopoly with a market economy of sorts?

专制,寡头,民主,或混合政体?By the one, the few, the many, ? or some combination of these three categories?

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这是钱,你付出的寡头垄断在信用卡行业。That's the money that you have paid to the oligopolies in credit cards industry.

只是从自我陶醉的雅痞们变为网络弄潮儿之后又成为了共和党寡头。Just narcissistic yuppies who became dot-commers and then Republican greed-heads.

黑色轿车专为政府部长、教会主教、电影明星和俄国的少数垄断寡头所属。Black was for government ministers, archbishops, film stars and Russian oligarchs.

这意味着,现在还在对谷歌是否是寡头感到忧心忡忡实属不合时宜。Which means it's well past time to be worrying about whether Google is a monopoly.

这是封建主义向中国的专制寡头最后告别时发出的半夜里猫头鹰一样的凄厉叫声。With an owl scream in the dark, feudalism paid its last tribute to China's despot.

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寡头控制的第三个特征是其他企业进入这产业是困难的。A third characteristic of oligopolies is that entry into the industry is difficult.

IM是个古老的游戏,寡头垄断的存在,已经让它越来越不好玩。IM is an old game, the existence of oligopoly , had made it worse and worse to play.

但这些寡头是建立在不同基础之上的,正是这一点导致了双方的摩擦Now those oligarchies were based on different things, and that's where the rub came.