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我军与敌军交战。Our army engaged the enemy.

我们的交战将会名扬四海。The battle will be legendary.

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他们逃出了交战区。They escaped from the war zone.

我们将于黎明时与敌交战。We will encounter the enemy at dawn.

他们不属于交战的任何一方。They are not part of the warring sides.

法国军队和德国军队在山里交战。French forces clashed with Germans in the hills.

在与军方交战中,四名海盗当场死亡,15名被俘。Four of them were killed. The other 15, captured.

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我们必须与福克兰群岛里的敌人交战。We had to fight the enemy without in the Falklands.

我们是将交战双方拉近的调停者吗?Are we the mediators that pull warring sides together?

当他从国外回来时,他的国家正处于交战状态。When he came back from abroad, his country was at war.

整夜里,天使和魔鬼在交战。All night long, the Arch-angel combated with the Demon.

那时美国宣布它同那个国家处于交战状态。The U. S then declared it was at war with that country.

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许多人留在了可能会沦为交战区的地方。Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone.

当别人看轻她时,她总处于交战状态。She was always in belligerency when others belittled her.

联合国号召交战双方遵守停火协定。The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.

双方于1815年6月18日在比利时的滑铁卢交战。The two sides met at Waterloo in Belgium on June 18, 1815.

维奇奥所目击的叛军与政府军的交战并不寻常。The rebel-military engagement Vecchio witnessed was unusual.

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但是军队称交战状态已经降到“临界点以下”的等级。But the army says militancy is down to a “subcritical” level.

大卫准备就绪,出去与巨人歌利亚交战。David gird up his loins and go out to meet the giant goliath.

他们应当正常交战、撤退、投降还是应当试着将他们缴械?Should they engage, retreat, surrender, or attempt to disarm?