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扒窃钥匙总是得手。Pickpocketing keys always works.

而我们不会让他们轻易得手。And we won't let them get away with it.

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米姆把球回传给孙悦,孙悦16尺中投得手。Mihm passed back to Sun for a 16-foot jumper.

如果太容易得手,男人会觉得你很无趣。If you are too easy-to-get, men will find you boring.

独居的老人是骗子最容易得手的目标。The elderly living alone are an easy meat for con- men.

拥挤不堪的商店是扒手行窃最得手的地方。Crowded shops are a happy hunting-ground for pick-pockets.

当你想要一些东西却无法得手时,你变得失落。When you want something and cannot get it you become frustrated.

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两个球员抢点,谁先跳往往得手。If two players go for a ball the one who jumps first will win it.

一次加索尔和奥多姆的错误的轮转使得钱德勒偷袭得手。A faulty rotation by Gasol and Odom led to a put-back by Chandler.

瞒骗也许可以得手于一时,但唯有从一而终诚实以对,才是为人处事的最佳上策。Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

当黑客攻击网站得手后,便实施“挂马”。After hacker attack website is procurable, carry out " hang a horse ".

然而,如果天津饭得手的话,这很可能将成为小悟空一生中的最后一场比赛!However, if Tien has his way, this will be Goku's final match, period!

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雷诺兄弟抢劫火车得手之后,带动了一波火车劫案的风潮。A wave of train robberies followed the Reno brothers' startling hold-up.

法利赛人与撒都该人都想要设计谋害他,但是他们都没有得手。Both Pharisees and Sadducees try to trick him, but they are unsuccessful.

接着第四节开始后又再19英尺处跳射得手。He hit his first shot of the fourth quarter before a 19 -footer rimmed out.

赢得对手的尊重,就是得手后适当的反点彩头给输家。To win the respect of rival, is after appropriate point heat to the losers.

但戈登随后三分得手,在比赛还剩下5秒的时候,快船只以87-85落后对手。Gordon hit a 3-pointer that drew the Clippers to 87-85 with 5 seconds to go.

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但是博拉鲁兹的最后一抢让基斯林没有得手。However, Khalid Boulahrouz made a last-ditch tackle to deal with the threat.

除了生意上得手以外,他妻子还给他生了个胖小子。On top of success in his business, his wife has borne him a chubby boy baby.

一直觊觎黄金未能得手的大铁塔也被白丁看出了端倪。Has been coveted gold failed to get big tower has also been an see the signs.