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野外采集柱形样。Field collection of cores.

牛在野外吃草。Cows were grazing in the field.

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他独自住在荒郊野外。He lives in a lonely place alone.

我喜欢在真正的野外徒步旅行。I like hiking in real wildernessv.

在野外小腿骨折怎么处理?How is outdoors crus fracture handled?

我不想让他们在荒郊野外腐烂。I don’t want them to rot in no-man’s land.

仍为那些抛尸野外的无辜者哀悼。Still mourn the random death of innocents.

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通去爱己野外的道分不会冗长。The road to a lover's house is never long.

同时他还是一名持证野外消防员。He's also a certified wildland firefighter.

马达加斯加的环尾狐猴在野外。Madagascar's ring-tailed lemur in the wild.

故乡野外的春景是最诱人的。Home field of spring is the most attractive.

不要选择在野外捕捉的未成熟珊瑚鱼。Do not choose immature wild caught reef fish.

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有可能,不过也许要到荒郊野外的地方才能找到。Maybe, but it'll probably be out in the wilds.

在这种荒郊野外有早餐吗?You got any breakfast out here in the boonies ?

推究起来,甚至在野外的广阔天地都有规矩。Even the great outdoors has rules, it turns out.

搭一个帐篷,在野外和流氓兔一起睡觉Pitch a tent and sleep outside with marshmallows.

那么野外中人和狼在一起是否安全呢?So how safe would people be with wolves in the wild?

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在野外,负鼠主要以桉树叶为食。In the wild, possums feed mainly on eucalyptus trees.

一些城市里来的童子军孩子们在野外露营。Some boy scouts from the city were on a camping trip.

在野外郊游时教员常看护着班上的学生。Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.