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笑掉我只大牙!Laugh Out My Big Teeth!

是的,要是你喜欢大牙的话。Yeah, if you like big teeth.

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我一分钱都没得到,但我的大牙却给纱布包起来了。I didn't get any money, but my molar is wrapped in gauze.

你的意思是共和党没有买过一张票?别笑掉我的大牙。Listen to you. Bobby Kenndy is out buying sacks full of votes.

你的意思是共和党没有买过一张票?别笑掉我的大牙。You mean no Republican ever bought a vote? Dont make me laugh.

笑掉我的大牙了!我爱这个。要是他能够让那个人被释放了就太棒了。LMAO! I love it. That would be great if he gets the poor guy released.

表面谦卑恭敬的大牙狗,实则心胸狭窄,充满贪欲。The fangs of surface humble, but the dog, full of greed narrow-minded.

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美国喜剧女演员伍皮·戈德堡是个大嗓门,披着一头长发辫,长着一嘴大牙。The American comedy actress Whoopi Goldberg is all voice dreadlocks and teeth.

这意味着成千上万的大象会被猎杀,只是为了它们的大牙。That means thousands of elephants will be hunted and killed just for their tusks.

她长着一副大牙,在我看来,她笑起来就更加光彩照人。She had big buck teeth, which made her smile only brighter and more beautiful to me.

她告诉我她错走进了男厕所,并且遇到了班主任,我笑掉了大牙。I laughed my head off when she told me that she went into the Men's Room and met her headmaster.

他们长着满嘴锋利的大牙,我敢断言你们不会想知道他们的交配习性。They have big pointy teeth, and we're pretty sure you don't want to know what their mating habits are.

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藤大牙和金奉泰潜入仓库去偷钱,遇到来仓库烧毁纸币的赵大一行。Cany fangs and gold into to the warehouse in Thai steal money, meet to warehouse burned a line of zhao big bill.

当这个竞选国会议员席位的人告诉我们他将为纳税人节省多少钱时,我们都笑掉了大牙。When this guy running for Congres told us how much money he'd save us taxpayers, we all gave him the horse laugh.

因为大牙对咀嚼功能影响较大,并且要到10岁左右才会换,影响时间更长。Because the fangs on masticatory function the impact is bigger, and want to 10 years of age will change, longer impact.

展出的化石一共有200种,从虫子到“有着尖利爪子和满嘴大牙的巨型远古虾”。There are 200 fossil species exhibited, from worms to 'giant ancient shrimp with fierce claws and a large-toothed mouth.'

常队长打听到赵大被关押在敞开嘴饭庄,与藤大牙的消息一致。Often the captain found out about the zhao big is being held in an open mouth FanZhuang, and cane great news of the agreement.

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大黄摇着尾巴欢送,蓝乔看了它的大牙一眼,打了个寒战,拉着李子俊快快出了门。Big Huang shakes tail to send off, blue Joe saw its molar one eye and beat cold warfare, drag plum handsome quickly quick door.

但是在井底却躺着一条张着血口大牙的恶龙,它随时准备着将抓在井壁上树枝的旅人吞进肚子里。But lying in wait at the bottom of a well is a dragon with his jaws open ready to eat the traveller who clings to a branch growing from the wall.

呜兹像又一次过了500伏电压一样,全身的毛都直竖起来,眼睛瞪得几乎掉到地上,四颗大牙不停地铛铛铛打颤。Woods like 500 volts over again, like all body hair ruffled, eyes wide almost fell to the ground, the four teeth of the chattering constantly clang clang.