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她戴著墨镜。She was wearing sun-glasses.

墨镜,黑超,还是sunnies?Sunglasses, shades, or sunnies?

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这就好象为葡萄酒戴上墨镜。They’re like sunglasses for wine.

带上你的墨镜和防晒霜。Grab your shades and your sunblock.

戴上墨镜,特别是深色的那种,会让你事半功倍。Wear sunglasses, especially the darker ones.

它被闪花了眼,应该戴上墨镜才是。It is dazzled and ought to be wearing sunglasses.

他还带了墨镜来遮住自己的蓝眼睛。He would also wear sunglasses to hide his blue eyes.

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我们戴墨镜以保护眼睛,使之不受阳光的刺激。We wear dark-glasses to protect our eyes from the sun.

如果你的脸是圆的,可以选择方形墨镜或者旅行者太阳镜。If your face is round, choose square frames or wayfarers.

她穿戴着墨镜、厚毛衣和白围巾。She wore dark glasses, a thick sweater and a white scarf.

我想不出那位戴墨镜的女士是谁。I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.

去海滩时戴上墨镜和遮阳帽。Wear your sunglasses and sunhat before you go to the beach.

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“没错。我们需要它们,”他说。于是,我们都戴上了墨镜。“Right.We're going to need those,” he said. We put them on.

带上你的泳装和墨镜,我们就斟满玛姆香槟!Bring your swimsuit and glasses, we bring the Mumm Champagne!

他戴者墨镜以保护他的眼睛不受阳光直射。He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.

我能够通过迪克的墨镜看到自己,整个自己。I could see myself reflected in Dick's sunglasses. All of me.

他穿着人们熟悉的卡其色中山装,戴着墨镜。He wore a familiar Mao-style khaki jumpsuit and dark sunglasses.

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我觉得,戴上三个墨镜就三倍的酷了!I figure wearing THREE pairs of shades must be THREE times as cool!

盲人都戴墨镜,聋人干嘛不戴上耳罩?If blind people wear sunglasses, why don't deaf people wear earmuffs?

它们会引起眼睛疾病、墨镜可以有不同的颜色,有不同的目的。Sunglasses may also come in different tints and they do have purposes.