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你得收支能相抵吗?Can you make ends meet?

收支相抵。The gains offset the losses.

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从总的收支看.南海地区是一个水汽汇区。The SCS is a moisture sink area.

收支恰好相抵。Income and expenditures exactly balance.

第四步,确定收支平衡点。Step 4. Determine your break-even point.

在纸面上,议案的预算收支相抵。On paper, the bills break even for the budget.

他们要做到收支相抵很困难。They have difficulty in making both ends meet.

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那幢2717英尺的摩天大楼的收支可能从来没平衡过。That 2,717-foot skyscraper may never break even.

中国城市通过贩卖土地达到收支平衡。Chinese cities make ends meet through land-grabs.

我们要削减开支,使收支平衡。We have to cut our expe es to make both ends meet.

在经营了六个月后,公司已收支相抵。After six months of trading the company broke even.

收支相抵,尚余150元。The accounts show a favourable balance of 150 yuan.

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你一定是在说笑。他们刚够收支相抵。You must be joking. They're barely making ends meet.

还债耗尽了该公司的营业收支预算。Paying its debts defunded the firm's operating budget.

他用尽各种巧妙办法使收支两抵。He uses his ingenuity as best he can to make ends meet.

买入期权收支平衡点等于执行价加上期权金。Call breakeven equals the strike price plus the premium.

我得要开始兼差才能让收支平衡些。I will have to start moonlighting to make both ends meet.

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给收支平衡点计算出一个合理的时间表。Figure out a reasonable time frame to the breakeven point.

一些国家将会出现出现国际收支危机。Some countries will slip toward balance of payments crises.

汇款人进行相关国际收支申报。Remitter submits return of international balance of payment.