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一些小的身故体验深谷他的嘴巴和眼睛。Some little rockets for his mouth and eyes.

太太身故后,他感到切肤之痛。He was rather cut up after his wife passed away.

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她被确诊为白血病晚期并已身故。She was diagnosed with an advanced stage of leukaemia and died.

万一你不幸身故谁会来掌管孩子们的遗产?Estate planning. Who will manage the kids' inheritance should you die unexpectedly?

另一方面,当用户身故,家属又央求他们交出数字钥匙。The other hand, when the user dies, the family also implore them to hand over key figures.

意外身故及意外伤残保险金累计给付以保险金额为限。Accumulated Premium against accidental death or injury & disability is subject to insured amount.

身故全残双倍保障,彰显人生尊严,体现家庭责任。Residual double-wide protection of the deceased to highlight the dignity of life, reflecting family responsibilities.

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投保人指定或变更身故保险金受益人时,须经被保险人同意。Designation or change of the beneficiary of death benefit by the Applicant shall be subject to consent of the Insured.

旅行期间因意外事故导致的身故、烧伤及残疾,我们将一次性付给保险金。We will pay the insured a lump sum payment in the event of a death, burns or dismemberment as a result of an accident.

对于未成年人投保,其实际海外意外身故给付金额不得超过保监会相关规定。For insured who is minor, the actual Overseas Accidental Death benefit cannot exceed the amount that is regulated by CIRC.

本合同的意外伤害身故保险金额、急性病身故保险金额分别在保险单上载明。The Sum Insured for accidental death and the Sum Insured for death of acute diseases under this Contract are stated on the Policy.

请填妥索偿表格,连同受保人身故的证明文件提交予本公司。In the event of a death claim, a completed claim form and proof of the death of the Life Insured should be submitted to the Company.

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被保险人可在投保时指定身故受益人,如未填写则默认为未指定。The insured can designate an beneficiary when applying for the insurance, the default will be regarded as none if no choice is made.

被保险人因意外伤害身故的,本公司按遗体处理保险金额给付遗体处理保险金。If the Insured dies due to the occurrence of any accidental injury, the Company shall pay the Sum Insured of remains disposal as benefits.

芙蓉姐姐的瘦身故事鼓舞了全世界许多美女们,同时新的问题又出现了——为什么厂商不找她做减肥广告呢?Sisters all over the world are surely being inspired by this fat-to-fit story, which raises the question, how come advertisers won`t touch her?

医疗保险金的受益人为参保人本人,身故保险金的受益人为参保人员的法定继承人。The beneficiary of medical benefits shall be the applicant, and the beneficiary of death benefits shall be the heritor in law of the applicant.

其中设计的那些问题迫使参与者详尽列出所需抚养的人及所需承担的费用,以及一旦自己身故,保险不足所留下的资金缺口。The questions force the respondent to detail all the people and expenses he is responsible for and what he would leave uncovered without enough insurance.

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该产品主险责任涵盖由甲型流感导致的身故和医疗费,保额最高达15万元人民币,保费则根据客户选择的保额档次从几十元到几百元。The premium of the insurance, which is the first of its kind in China, varies from dozens to hundreds of yuan, and the maximum coverage is up to RMB150000.

被保险人自意外伤害发生之日起一百八十日内因该意外伤害导致身故的,本公司按意外伤害保险金额给付身故保险金。If the Insured dies due to and within 180 days upon occurrence of any accidental injury, the Company will pay accidental death benefits specified in this Contract.

每一被保险人的意外残疾、意外身故保险金的累计给付金额以其对应的意外伤害保险金额为限。The accumulative amount of insurance for accidental disability or death of each insured shall not exceed the insured sum set for the corresponding accidental injury.