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水墨绢本。Ink on silk.

我擅长水墨丹青。I'm skilful in ink and wash.

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水墨人物画有着渊远的历史。Figure painting in Chinese Ink Traditions has a long history.

卢沉的水墨写生一直沿一种朴素地方式探索、推进着。Mr. Lu's sketches have been along a naive to discover, promote.

它的载体是水墨,创作主体是文人学士。Its carrier is the water ink, the creative main body is scholar.

李可染水墨写生画展在北京举办。An exhibition of the ink sketches of Li Keran is held in Beijing.

我用丝绢布面综合,创作水墨有高尚奢华之气,有视觉的炫动。I use silk to paint, which feels noble and luxury and visual effects.

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如此醉心于水墨天地、如此执著于生命远游的张子健。Zhang Zijian so loves in ink wash world, and obsesses in life travel.

控制制卡和会员卡制作过程中的水墨平衡。Control business card printing and membership card during the balance.

而白描、彩墨、水墨三类,则为画法形态的主要方面。And line drawing, colorful ink and wash painting were their main forms.

文人画以普通水墨着笔,鲜用色彩。Literati paintings are executed in plain ink, often with minimal color.

而身临太白山,会觉得仿似身入一幅水墨大画之中。While in Taibai Mountain, will feel like the body into an ink painting.

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自动式供墨回流系统,节约水墨,方便清洗。Automatic system for Mexico to return to save ink to facilitate cleaning.

广明同时也认识到水墨要发展必然要从水墨艺术的源头和内在的根性中寻找答案。He believes that he will find the way to improve Ink art from its origin.

具体介绍了水墨柔印在食品包装中应用。The application of water-based ink in food packing is presented in detail.

因此,圣君将水墨分为大水墨和小水墨。Therefore, the monarch and the ink is divided into large and small ink ink.

为什么中国传统的水墨山水画出现在晚唐?Why is traditional Chinese ink landscape painting in the late Tang Dynasty?

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屏风画是用水墨或水彩作于不镶边修饰或镶边修饰的纸和丝绸上。Folding screen paintings are in ink or gouache on plain or gilded paper or silk.

第二本是水墨插图,讲述阿波罗二号如何展开其使命的。In watercolors, ink and acrylics, the story of how the Apollo 11 mission unfolded.

采用气动上墨过滤及水墨循环系统。Adopt and have the black filtering black circulatory system of water pneumatically.