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我和他很贴心。I'm tolerably intimate with him.

是您投资的贴心好伴侣。You are a good investment intimate partner.

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哦,你这样说很贴心。谢谢你,康纳。Oh, that's very sweet of you, Conor. Thanks.

这里有很贴心的服务和建议!"Very good service advice" T. T. of Olympia.

对呀!嗯,我是个贴心暖心的人。Right! Yes, I have good and warm heart like this.

尖端圆形的贴心设计,不容易伤到头皮。Its tip is round. So, it does not hurt your scalp.

裆内,弹力棉布料反面,透气,贴心。Crotch, stretch cotton fabric, breathable, intimate.

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贴心的舒适来自全棉制品。The intimate comfort comes from all cotton products.

太太贴心的帮罗会长抓龙。Chairman Tony Lo was massaged by his wife intimately.

这等温暖贴心的男人,女人非嫁不可。Such a warm caring men, women can not be non-married.

我最贴心的朋友是个暴躁的男孩。The most intimate friend of my is a hot-tempered boy.

别把最贴心的事情当成理所当然。Dot take for granted the things closest to your heart.

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我想这是他能做的最贴心的事,他了解我的惊慌。I thought it was the most thoughtful thing he could do.

总之,它是一个实用并且贴心的礼物。Ultimately, it is both a practical and thoughtful gift.

喜欢每天接待客人时,为客人贴心服务。I like every day to receive guests, intimate service for guests.

不管你们公司的规模大小,我们总愿意为你提供周到和贴心的服务。No matter the size of your company, you can always count on PDI.

您是夫复何求最可爱最贴心的朋友。You are the most loving and caring person any friend could ever have.

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本册贴心地提供外籍朋友,有关「租赁」的相关资讯。This book may provide foreigners sufficient information about "rental".

那次真的很贴心。我们得到了很大一块芝士。and it was really sweet. We managed to get like a massive bit of cheese.

我们的顾问中心也会帮忙,会提供其他的指导和一些贴心提示,告诉你如何甄别出一个有前途的顾问。Our Advisor Center can also help, with some additional tips and guidance.