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目的对印字水松纸进行安全性评价。Objective To evaluate the safety of printing tipping paper.

最后对水松纸涂层专用水性涂料今后的研究进行了展望。Finally, the prospect of the research on the coating is given.

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那只猎犬闪着磷光,顺着水松小道就向查尔斯爵士追了过来。The hound, which was shining with phosphorus, chased Sir Charles down the Yew Alley.

因此,要想从水松小道里进出就只能经由庄园或是由开向沼地的栅门啰?So you can enter or leave the Yew Alley only from the Hall, or through the moor gate?

他喜欢沿着夹在水松树篱之间的那条小路即巴斯克维尔庄园里那条出名的水松小道散步。His favourite walk was down a path between two hedges of yew trees, the famous Yew Alley of Baskerville Hall.

水松纸切割装置的设计是烟草机械设计人员研究的重要课题之一。The design of tipping paper-cutting device is one of the most important issues for tobacco machinery designers.

结合线路调查、样方调查和样带调查法,分析研究了珠海市水松林的分布现状和发展趋势。Its growth status and distributions in Zhuhai City were studied by route survey and plot and line transect sampling.

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本机适用于在烟包行业、可以在水松纸或烟包上烫印精美的图案和文字。This machine is used for tobacco industry, it can make magnificent design and character on the water-paper or tobacco package.

对水松纸已有的打孔方法及其检测技术进行了回顾和评述,介绍了目前这一领域的最新进展情况。The paper reviews the known perforating and measuring methods for tipping paper and introduces the newest development in this field.

为顺应烟草行业所使用的水松纸的印别、卫生要求不断提高的趋势,提出研究具有抗菌功能的水性油墨应用于水松纸印别。Application of antibacterial water-based ink on tipping paper as put forward to meet the requirement of sanitation and environment in tobacco industry.

为顺应烟草行业所使用的水松纸的印刷、卫生要求不断提高的趋势,提出研究具有抗菌功能的水性油墨应用于水松纸印刷。Application of antibacterial water-based ink on tipping paper was put forward to meet the requirement of sanitation and environment in tobacco industry.

2009年11月某一天的拂晓时分,在德克萨斯州加纳州立公园里,弗里奥河两岸的水松鲜橙的树叶引起了我的注意。The reflection of burnt orange foliage of bald cypress trees along the Frio River in Texas' Garner State Park caught my attention at sunup in November 2009.

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本厂是一家专业生产塑料日用制品的厂家,主要产品有12安水松碗盖,16安水松碗盖,24安水松碗盖。Factory is a professional manufacturer of plastic household products manufacturers, the main products have 12-an GlyptostrobusÍë¸Ç, 16 Simon GlyptostrobusÍë¸Ç, 24-Simon GlyptostrobusÍë¸Ç.

一种安装在直边机、斜边机、双边磨边机和多工位圆片机上对玻璃边进行抛光的磨具,也被称为水松轮。It is a kind of polishing wheel installed in straight-line edge, straight-line beveling side edge, straight-line double side and multi-functional grinding machine, also called Shui-Song wheel.

因此,我们有必要对切纸机构的相关理论进行研究,通过技术创新,设计拥有自主知识产权的水松纸切割装置。Therefore, it is necessary to research the relevant theory of paper-cutting device and design a tipping paper-cutting device with independent intellectual property rights through technical innovation.