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我来领你们转转吧。Let me show you around.

薄雾在那座古老的城堡的周围打转转。The mist eddied round the old castle.

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我在一个越来越小的圈子里兜兜转转。I was flying in ever-diminishing circles.

我带您到我们的展示室去转转好吗?Shall I show you first visit to our showroom?

这一切都在一个相同的起点打转转。All these spin its wheels in a same beginning.

如果你来到武汉应该去东湖转转。You should go to East Lake if you come to Wuhan.

你打算今天下午去郊外转转吗?Are you swanning off to the suburb this afternoon.

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把方向盘往右边转转,以便修正驾驶上的偏差。Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.

我真希望我可以在这里,但是我已经计划出去转转了。Mon . I wish I could, but I've made plans to walk around.

天下何啻这一家店,你还是再去别处转转。There are far more shops. You'd better go somewhere else.

“翻翻转转”就会发现另一个完全不同的我!Try it! What do you see?We look totally different, don't we?

我问我们能不能转转看看他的公寓,他说当然。I asked if we could look around his apartment and he said sure.

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请随时来我们商店转转,不一定非要买东西。Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy anything.

北京是我的地盘,我带你转转,这儿我太熟了。Beijing is my turf . I'll show you around, I know it really well.

我希望能带您到处转转,您一定会留下深刻的印象。I hope I will be able to show you around. I'm sure you'll impressed.

某个与众不同的地方。咱们到后海一带的酒吧转转。Somewhere different. Let's check out some of hte bars around Houhai.

让我来带你周围转转看哪家餐馆最好。Please let me guide you around this area to find the best restaurant.

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花一分钟周围转转,然后再写一到两段,坚持这样做直到最终完成。Take a walk around for a minute, then write another paragraph or two.

你可以在顶楼的转转鸡尾酒吧里享受一下。You can enjoy yourself in the rotating cocktail bar on the top floor.

还有就是南蝉寺可以去转转也听好玩的。There is South Temple cicadas can also go around listening to the fun.