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但很久以前,抵制的说法还是逐渐式微了。But long ago, loose talk of an Olympic boycott had fizzled.

但其他的行省开始在帝国式微之下谋取各自的利益。The provinces start to take advantage of the Empire's weakened state.

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设计了音叉电容式微机械陀螺检测电路。The sensing circuit tuning fork micromechanical gyroscope is designed.

一种应用于谐振式微型光学陀螺的高频锁相放大器的设计。Design of high frequency lock-in amplifier applied in R-MOG . Chinese J.

如今作为一种大规模的思潮它已逐渐式微。Nowadays, postmodernism is attenuating as an extensive surge of thoughts.

唐门创立万年之后的斗罗大陆上,唐门式微。Tang door founded million years after the Douro mainland, Tang door type.

扩散接合复合式多层铜网微结构,分级式微结构设计。Diffusion bonding bonded compound multi-layer mesh wick, Graded Wick Design.

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在模数式微后的今天,建筑师正在超越古典而创造一种时代的新精神。Today, architects are creating a new spirit of our times without the module.

此后,亲民主党派破裂,影响力式微。Since then, the pro-democracy parties have fractured and their influence has waned.

议会的影响力早已式微,而且欧盟的信任度已降至历史最低点。The parliament has never had more clout, yet trust in the EU is at an all-time low.

在具体的开发过程中,掌握了ARM-32位嵌入式微处理器的开发。With the work this article masters the ARM-32 embedded micro-processor development.

许多民间传统艺术在城市化大行其道的情势下日渐式微。As a result of urbanization, many traditional folk arts in the city are disappearing.

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讨论了一种梳齿式微机械加速度计的静态模型。This paper discusses the static model of a multi-finger micromechanical accelerometer.

热敏电阻式微波功率计,一直存在零点漂移大的问题。The problem of large zero drift always exists in microwave power meters with thermistor.

这样的床上活动建立了如今在印度已经式微的某种家庭归属感。Such bed behavior bespoke a certain kind of family belonging that is now fading in India.

文中介绍一种可调零点和增益的电容式微型传感器。A type of capacitive microsensor whose null point and gain can be regulated is introduced here.

目前,定州秧歌发展日渐式微,抢救、保护和传承迫在眉睫。At present, the development of Dingzhou Yangko declining, rescue, protect and pass on imminent.

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本文报导一种新近研制成功的插入式微波治癌机及其实验结果。In this paper the invasive microwave cancer-treatment set and experimental results are reported.

用新开发的新型旋风式微细分级机进行水泥微细分级试验。The newly developed super fine cyclone classifier is used to test for the cement classification.

设计了一种基于体微机械加工技术的新型音叉式微机械陀螺。A novel tuning fork micromachined gyroscope, based on bulk micromachining technology, is presented.