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海水将海岸冲击得凹凸不平。The sea indents the coast.

长霉的四壁、凹凸不平的石头地Whose mildewed walls, uneven paving-stones

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那个年轻人沿着凹凸不平的路吃力地走。The young man pounded along the rough road.

人行道在暑热中变得凹凸不平。The pavement heaved and buckled in the heat.

它滚到脚下,留出一个凹凸不平的洞。It tumbles at his feet, leaving a ragged hole.

其布面凹凸不平,有轻微的按摩作用。Its rugged cloth cover, a slight massage role.

凹凸不平的凿铝为这一进程。Rugged aluminum encasing for the process unit.

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破旧的衣服是掩盖凹凸不平东西的好方法。Baggy clothes are good for concealing lumps and bumps.

瘤周胸膜可呈结节状或凹凸不平的改变。Zhou pleural tumors can be a nodular or rugged change.

靠近米尔内,地势变得凹凸不平。Coming closer to Mirny, the relief becomes more uneven.

柏油路面两边的辅道上布满车辙,凹凸不平。The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven.

他平整了打球时制造的沙坑的凹凸不平。He smoothes irregularities in the area where the stroke was made.

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这是一个凹凸不平的沟,但是他看不到太深的地方。It was an irregular, dark gap, but he could not see deep into it.

熟悉的形状和任何凹凸不平这是正常的你。Get familiar with the shape and any lumpiness that is normal for you.

丝瓜身上是凹凸不平的,头上还顶着个黄颜色的小花。Loofah body is uneven, the head also wore a yellow color of the flowers.

前方的路凹凸不平,我用我这茫然的脚步,不知道何方停留步!Uneven front, I used the footsteps of my loss, not knowing where to stay!

那个海岸是非常高和凹凸不平,但是有着些树根帮助我爬了上去。The band was high and rugged, but some roots of trees helped me to get up.

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在地面凹凸不平地区也常用反铲挖土机挖沟。A backhoe is often used in ditching where the soil conditions are usually rough.

球不见了,夫妇却发现在附近有一条身形凹凸不平的地毯蟒。The balls disappeared, and the couple found a lumpy-looking carpet python nearby.

而另一面则是肋状的,并且具有粗糙和凹凸不平的质感,整个融为一面单墙。The other sides are ribbed, with a rough, rugged texture, melded into a single wall.