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这头母牛早产了。The cow cast a calf.

她或许不会早产。She might not have it.

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早产婴儿放在保温箱里保育。Premature babies are kept alive in incubators.

在恒温箱里,早产宝宝身上带满了各种医疗器械。Medical equipment surrounds this premature baby in an incubator.

通常早产的婴儿可能会晚几个月长牙。Premature babies may be a few months behind in getting their teeth.

早产、出生窒息和感染是儿童死亡的主要原因。Preterm birth, birth asphyxia and infections cause most newborn deaths.

因为是极度早产,我们的儿子做了眼部手术以防止失明。Due to extreme prematurity, our son had eye surgery to prevent blindness.

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而桑原的目的是帮助胎儿找到安全的生长场所,以防早产。Kuwabara is trying to give a foetus a safe home to avoid premature birth.

帕奇科鲍威尔于1963年8月7日早产,两天后死去。Patrick Bouvier, born prematurely on August 7, 1963, died two days later.

它们总被戏称为“早产酒”,意思是把丰收的喜悦酿入酒中。It is a vin de primeur, which means it is bottled the year of its harvest.

目的观察安宝治疗先兆早产的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of threatened premature delivery by Anpo.

举个例子,一名女子非常规性地,在怀孕期32周出现了早产现象。Take for example a lady who is irregularly contracting at 32 weeks gestation.

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无论是早熟还是早产,重国仍然是一个暂时的超级大国。Whether it is precocious or premature, China is still a tentative superpower.

结论早产是新生儿发病和死亡的主要原因。Conclusions Premature delivery is the main causes of neonate illness and death.

早产被定义为怀孕不到37周的生产。Preterm birth is defined as a birth that takes place before 37 weeks gestation.

然而对于这个20多岁的准妈妈来说,接下来发生的事情比孩子早产来的更让人震惊。What happened next came as an even bigger shock to the mother-to-be in her 20s.

我知道母亲们有一大堆理由要求早产。"I know mothers may request early delivery for a lot of reasons, " says Hibbard.

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杰登上周五在拉斯维加斯出生,早产了三个星期,体重5磅7盎司。Jaden was born three weeks prematurely on Friday in Las Vegas and weighed 5lb 7oz.

袋鼠妈妈的这种看护幼仔的方法也叫早产仔肌肤相亲法。Kangaroo mother care is also known as the skin-to-skin method for premature babies.

瑞莲新婚不久便发现自己怀孕,在一次台风中受惊吓早产。Red lotus wedding soon found herself pregnant, frightened preterm birth in a typhoon.