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欧文家的三员女将都在飞往布鲁塞尔的航班上。All three of the Owen women were on the plane bound for Brussels.

中国的长跑女将都是用这个来增强耐力的。It's what the Chinese women distance runners use to improve their endurance.

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穆桂英是中历史上的一位,巾帼女将,在中国是老幼皆知的民族女英雄。Mu Guiying was a female general in history, and a well-known national heroine.

罗琳和赢得两枚奥运金牌的田径女将凯莉·霍尔姆斯。K. Rowling, on the other will be Kelly Holmes, the double Olympic gold medalist.

据报道子女将和茱莉在一起,但会定期和皮特保持联系。The kids will reportedly stay with Angelina, but will have regular contact with Brad.

她的努力有了终极的回报,因为她的继女将休闲裤配板鞋向她叫“母亲”了。Her efforts have finally paid off because her stepdaughter is now willing to call her "Mom".

“女子上阵多邪术暗器”是常见警句。女将往往暗藏着神奇的宝贝兵器,以弥补性别劣势。It is a common aphorism that a woman usually has black magic or hidden weapon when she goes into battle.

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从声明中无法得知是否有一人还将住在布伦特伍德的豪宅,以及子女将和谁一起生活。It was not clear from the statement if either remained at their estate in Brentwood, or whom the children were with.

保持这样的水准会有压力吗?你是演员阵容里唯一的女将又饰演了那么深受喜爱的角色。Is it tough maintaining boundaries? You're the only woman cast member and you play an exceedingly accessible character.

它们在毒藤女将阿克汉姆的天空染红而我们正要去用抗体阻止她之前不会出现。They didn't appear for us until Poison Ivy had turned Arkham's sky red and we were on our way to stop her with the antidote.

清代通俗小说塑造了一批数量可观的女将形象,这是一个颇具光彩的古代妇女人物类型群。Qing dynasty's popular novels created a lot of female generals image, which is a quite glorious ancient women figures type group.

德国女将比尔吉特获得了本年度国际足总最佳女球员奖,世界杯冠军巴西队则第二次被选为最佳球队。Birgit Prinz of Germany won the women's player of the year vote. World Cup champion Brazil won its second straight Team of the Year award.

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两帅之间还有一帅,就是文汇报驻京办事处负责人浦熙修,是一位能干的女将。In between the two commanders, there is a third in the person of Pu Hsi-hsiu, a capable woman of action in charge of the Peking office of Wen Hui Pao.

在中国如今经济成功的背后有着有活力的人才,在不久的将来,这些人无论是男是女将在政府中发挥积极和全面的作用。In the near future, those same men and women will play a full and active role in your government. This university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens.

埃塞俄比亚长跑健将格布雷西拉西和美国短跑女将琼斯分获国际业余田联年度最佳男女运动员奖。The Ethiopian long-distance runner Gebrselassie and the American sprinter Jones have won the International Amateur Athletic Federation awards for the Male and Female Athlete of the Year.

另外女将巴瑞赛诺进步十分突出,在上一站的比赛中成为AFR史上第一个夺下杆位的女选手,以目前的形式来看,其很有可能将站上年度颁奖台上。It is also worth mentioning that Samin Gomez Briceno who is the first female driver in AFR grabbing a pole position in last race is in strong form and likely to stand on the podium again.

战争年代红军将士用大布制作军服被单,出现过男将在前方打仗,女将在后方织布送衣的动人情景。Red Army soldiers during the war years making military uniforms with a large cloth sheets, there have been men in front of the war, women, will be in the rear of the moving scene of weaving valet.