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这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。This is a sign the storm is coming.

那被认为是一种不幸的先兆。It is said to be an omen of misfortune.

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这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。This is a foregleam of the coming snowstorm.

皮疹的出现有时是肌无力的先兆。The weak muscles can also start with the rash.

当然,这也成为一个自我实现的先兆。Of course, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

洛杉矶就是这一新兴文化的先兆。Los Angeles is a premonition of this new civilization.

RSI也是有向下先兆,也是一个看跌的信号。RSI is headed down hard as well, also a bearish signal.

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先兆子痫的确定性治疗是分娩。A. The definitive treatment of preeclampsia is delivery.

临产前就会出现分娩先兆。Before being in labor, will present the childbirth omen.

浮游植物也可以是死亡或疾病的先兆。Phytoplankton can also be the harbingers of death or disease.

摘要普罗科菲耶夫所有的创作特征都能在早期作品中找到先兆。Aura of all features could be found in Prokofiev's Early work.

这些光斑常常是形成太阳黑子的先兆。These faculae frequently are the forerunners of sunspot formation.

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当出现了临产先兆或计划施行剖宫产时再拆除缝线。When the aura of birth or plan to dismantle suture cesarean section.

确实,我们已经可以看到现在这场动荡的先兆了。Indeed, we can already see the first symptoms of the coming upheaval.

血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?。What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope ?

首领,先兆,作为领导者或对未来趋势作出指示的人或事。One that serves as a leaver or as a leading indicator of future trends.

结果42例危象先兆期患者得到了救治,而4例危象期患者死亡。Results 42 patients being in portentperiod survived and 4 patients died.

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这是帝国权力的先兆,打破了清朝中央政府的虚弱门。This was the harbinger of empire power broke the door of weak Qing dynasty.

目的观察安宝治疗先兆早产的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of threatened premature delivery by Anpo.

本发明涉及先兆子痫发生的标记。The present invention relates to a marker for the development of pre-eclampsia.