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本周是全国狗狗周!This is National Dog Week!

纵全国唯一人泪流乎Were there no other tears?

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这是一场全国范围的贸易。It was a country-wide trade.

它以盛产茶叶而闻名全国。It is rich in tea and famous.

我成了一个已定罪的全国重犯。I'm a convicted federal felon.

民主党全国大会主席罗恩.布朗也是这么想的。So was DNC chairman Ron Brown.

他创造了一个新的全国纪录。He's set a new national record.

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全国家具清算人。National Furniture Liquidators.

全国大部分地区均产。Produced in most part of China.

全国降半旗。Countrywide flags all half-mast.

每年的6月6日是全国爱眼日。June 6 is National Eye-Care Day.

我们游遍全国各地。We traveled all over the country.

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要一张全国通用的帐户卡Get a Nationwide Flex Account card

这条铁路横贯全国。The railway traverses The country.

强强对决,全国冠军花落谁家!Who will be the National Champion?

他们分布在全国各地You found them in very odd places.

每月全国限量发行100张。Limited edition of the monthly 100.

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全国人民团结紧。The whole nation is closely united.

现在,这家公司在全国一共有120个成员。There are 120 members nationwide"."

全国人民听到这消息时都很悲伤。All the nation were sad at the news.