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有意向的买者并不会因此却步。Would-be buyers are not deterred.

暗能量依旧是一个更加令人却步的问题。Dark energy is a more daunting problem still.

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可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

可是羔羊的疥癣应当使牧羊人却步吗?。Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

但乔治·哥尔罕和他的未婚妻,帕特里·夏霍纳没有却步。But George Gorham and his fiance, Patricia Horner weren't deterred.

死神也忘而却步,幸福之花处处开遍。Charge deaths' God also will flinch. The happy flowers bloom everywhere.

有些社会团体一听到帮助的是艾滋病人遗孤就却步了。I have heard that some social groups to help AIDS orphans is on the back.

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爱一个人是很累的事。为了什麽我却步不能拒绝相思!If you must cling yo somebody, now and forever, let' it be me. Each time we meet, love.

可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?不应当。况且那又是怎样的一头羔羊!Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil? No. But what a sheep!

但是,收烂摊子的政治和财务风险,似乎连秃鹰也望之却步。Yet even for the vultures , the risks – political as well as financial – seem daunting.

但同时,店内高价会另一般的顾客却步。But, at the same time, high-price of the shops makes ordinary consumers dare not to enter.

商店里蜿蜒曲折,近一小时的长队让很多购物者却步。Hour-long queues at the tills that snaked around the store were putting many shoppers off.

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她说有些人对它的味道却步,她的朋友也不理解她为什么要喝康普茶。She said some people are put off by the smell and her friends don't understand why she drinks it.

那些喜欢和朋友泡酒吧却因为女友不喜欢而却步的,你们的救星来了!Perfect solution for those who wanna go to bars to drink with friends but your girlfriend is unhappy.

负面的反应很容易令我们却步,不再向失丧的人发出邀请,不再领他们归主,不再和他们分享信仰。It's easy to let negative responses put a halt to our inviting, bringing, and sharing with lost people.

百度目前这种艰难的局面并未令投资者却步,他们仍在买入百度在纽约上市的股份。The company's tricky position has so far not deterred investors from piling into its New York-listed shares.

欧盟和各国需要采取协调一致的行动,因为传染性疾病并不因边界却步。Concerted action is needed at the EU and the national levels, because infectious diseases do not stop at borders.

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新的研究表明这种显眼的颜色改变可使得经常捕食这些毛虫的鸟儿却步。This new study has revealed that the dramatic colour change puts off the birds that usually eat the caterpillars.

乌鸦的研究之所以令人却步,撇开技术上的困难不谈,其原因之一便是它们生活方式复杂多变。Technical difficulties aside, crow research is daunting because the ways of these birds are so complex and various.

负面的反应很容易令我们却步,不再向失丧的人发出邀请,不再领他们归主,不再和他们分享信仰。When I was young, I was never taught how to share my faith on a personal level with someone who did not know Jesus.