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然后,圆滑那些转角。Then round the corners.

他是一个圆滑的朝臣。He was an adroit courtier.

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控制者是恶霸中最圆滑的。Manipulator bosses are the smoothest of bullies.

我认为这是一种更圆滑而关切员工的方式。Ithink this is a more diplomatic, concerned approach.

我会在这儿等你们这些精于圆滑言辞的大老爷们。I shall wait for you masters of tact and subtlety out here.

它是一个很大的圆滑的布雷区,是一个专项小组测试广告。It's all one big minefield of slick, focus-group tested ads.

地图的边缘进行了圆滑处理,重做了所有的高山和河流。Smoothed the edges of the map, redid the Alps and all rivers.

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所述的肛管前端为圆滑的封闭结构。The front end of the anal tube has a smooth sealed structure.

宽椭圆形和圆滑的猫眼款可以起到收敛圆脸的效果。Wide ovals and sleek cat-eye styles work to diminish fullness.

因此冈根人产品始终呈现出圆滑的流线型外观。This gives Gungan technology a very fluid, non-rectilinear look.

在苹果乳酸发酵期间会转化为更圆滑的乳酸。Converted to smoother lactic acid during malolactic fermentation.

圆滑、时尚、自信—上海确实令人印象深刻。Sleek, stylish, confident—Shanghai certainly makes an impression.

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圆滑的剑尾鱼是一个敏捷的泳者并且需要充足的活动空间。The sleek swordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room.

我喜爱稳稳的弓拉过弦的那种圆滑的声音。I loved the mellow sound of the firm bow drawn across the strings.

她认为,在一些圆滑的营销活动推助下,商学院过分自卖自夸。It is oversold by business schools with slick marketing campaigns.

这张茶几外观小巧圆滑,由钢铁和玻璃制成。The end-table One is a small, sleek table made of steel and glass.

在另一端,我们有优雅和圆滑的,具有C2曲面的物品。On the other end we have C2 objects of elegance and sophistication.

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留下的可不仅仅是简洁,圆滑和现代感,仿佛赋予了更多的意义。What remains is not just clean, sleek, and modern, but is meaningful.

它圆滑厚实的外观是在向欧系小车的打算理念致敬。The exterior is round and solid in homage to European small-car design.

在口中,她很圆滑,柑橘果主导并带有果仁的风味。In the mouth, it's smooth and citrus fruit driven with some nutty notes.