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探病时间是几时?Where are the visiting hours?

探病时间是上午8点到下午7点。The visiting hours are from 8am to 7 pm.

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护士告诉我探病时间已经结束了。The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.

护士告诉我探病时间已经结束了。Thee nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.

医院对探病的时间有规定吗?Are there any regulations about the time of visiting patients?

探病时间是每天下午一点到七点,他在A楼312室。Visiting hours are from 1 to 7 on weekdays. He's in Ward A, room 312.

三顺得知熙真生病的音讯后来熙真家探病。Ss learned that city really sick from true home to visit the city later.

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斗秀没想到红桃会和高易锡一起来探病,觉得很神奇,红桃好了很多。Bucket show that hearts will come with high Yi Xi visit the sick, feel very magical, red peach a lot better.

她曾说过,她轻轻叩击语言,以便聆听它隐匿的意识形态,颇像一个医生用听诊器查探病因。She has said that she taps at language to hear its hidden ideologies, much as a doctor will tap on a patient's chest.

体谅其他病人和医院工作人员的权利,并协助控制噪音,吸烟和探病人数。Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel, and assist in the control of noise, smoking, and the number of visitors.