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这些实验结果对大观霉素溶析结晶工业生产的控制具有重要意义。All the results were important for the control of industrial dilution of spectinomycin.

盐酸大观霉素含量测定文献规定为微生物效价测定方法。An improved method for the potency determination of spectinomycin hydrochloride is reported.

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洞内钟乳石、石笋、石柱、石华、石幔均发育良好,形状奇异,蔚成大观。Inside stalactites, stalagmites and columns, Shi Hua, Shiman are well developed, the shape singular, Weicheng Taikan.

采用诱导期法和直接法研究了大观霉素溶析结晶的介稳态。新相形成由多核机理控制。The metastable state of dilution of spectinomycin has been studied by both induction period method and direct method.

特别是每年中秋前后有钱塘江潮,怒涛奔腾、激流汹涌,蔚为天下大观。Especially round the Moon Festival every year one can enjoy the raging tidal bore which is a most spectacular natural phenomenon.

官窑主要烧制青瓷,大观年间,釉色以月色、粉青、大绿三种颜色最为流行。Major celadon kiln firing, Daguan years, the glaze in order to moonlight, powder blue, big green three colors of the most popular.

野生动植物保护阿坝州是各种野生动物的理想栖息地,是多类珍稀植物的大观圆。Aba Prefecture is the ideal habitat of various kinds of wild animal and the grand of the multi-species of the rare and precious plants.

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根据盐酸大观霉素的溶解度特性,采用自然冷却法培养出单晶。Single crystal of spectinomycin dihydrochloride was cultivated by natural cooling method according to its characteristic of solubility.

世界领先的船舶经纪相信,随着中国需求量的强筋势头,2010年全球铁矿石的海上运输交易量,将会在第一时间突破10亿吨大观。LEADING shipbrokers believe continued Chinese demand will drive 2010 global seaborne trade in iron ore past 1bn tonnes for the first time.

明清是中国文化家族发展的黄金时期,尤以江南地区最为大观。Ming -Qing Dynasties is the golden age of the cultural family development, especially in the South of Yangtze River region's most Grand view.

测定了无机盐存在下盐酸大观霉素的溶解度以及它在纯水中的溶解热。The solubility data of SDP in the multi-solvent at the present of inorganic salt and the dissolution heat of SDP in pure water were measured.

虽然大观霉素以实现了国产化,但基础理论研究和生产水平与国外还存在差距。Now Spectinomycin can be produced domestically, but we still fall behind with foreign producers in basic theory researching and production level.

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联本大观,源远流长,亦庄亦趣,增辉堂室、山川、人物,犹如老树灿新花。Alliance of the artifacts, has a long history, Yizhuang have fun, and Zenghui Hall room, mountains and rivers, people, like trees Can a new flower.

NASA地球大观图片由罗伯特·西蒙用美国地质调查局的地球资源探测卫星提供,文字说明由奥利·里贝克编纂。NASA Earth Observatory image created by Robert Simmon using Landsat data provided by the United States Geological Survey. Caption by Holli Riebeek.

最近隆重推出“动物进食大观”和“猴山新貌”等项目,游客们可亲眼目睹河马狂张大口、大象巧用长鼻和狼吞虎咽的情景。Visitors may have the opportunity to enjoy seeing with their own eyes giant animals such as Elephants and Hippopotami devour their food ravenously.

该遗址建于宋朝徽宗年间,已知的古代钱币“政和通宝”、“大观通宝”、“崇宁通宝”就是在该遗址铸造的。It can be dated back to Huizong period of Song dynasty. The known 'Zhenghe Tongbao', 'Daguan Tongbao', 'Congning Tongbao' were just manufactured here.

凡到滨海文化墙漫步过的人,都会对巍然壮阔的“汉字大观”文化工程而惊叹。For people who take a walk at Binhai cultural wall, the magnificent cultural project of "the Grand Sight of Chinese Characters" will surprise all of them.

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刘向、刘歆父子所编辑校正的“六艺”、诸子百家、诗赋等,篇目明晰,思想宗旨详明而大观。"Six Arts", various schools of Masters, the poetry and so on, edited and corrected by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin, are lucid in writing and elaborate in thoughts.

学院地处广州科学城内,西靠广州天河软件园,南邻广东奥林匹克体育中心和世界大观、航天奇观景区。The college lies in Academic City, Guangzhou Tianhe Software Center is to the west, and Guangdong Olympic Sports Center, World Grand Sight and Flight Spectacle are to the south.