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在主要的十字路口都匆匆筑起了胸墙。Breastworks were thrown up at major intersections.

他站在胸墙边,眯起眼睛盯着地平线。He looked out over the parapet, squinting as he peered towards the horizon.

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开垛口、城墙、胸墙具备的无知的要塞极度盛行。Complete with crenellations, ramparts and parapets , the stronghold of nescience reigns supreme.

本文介绍了对该码头的修复设计方案比选后,采用原码头钢板桩加低胸墙的修复方法,取得了良好的经济效益。A breast wall was built on the original sheet piling, so as to make the economic benefits becoming prominent.

带胸墙斜坡式防波堤堤顶标高的合理确定,有赖于越波量的正确计算。A formula is established in this paper for wave overtopping related to the discharge parameter in hydraulics.

简介了胸墙、牛腿、交通桥的改建以及混凝土的设计,并且谈了自己的几点体会。The breast wall, bracket, traffic bridge rebuilt, concrete design and the author's experiences are introduced briefly.

以半掘浦十塘闸胸墙裂缝为例,认为胸墙裂缝是由边荷载和温度共同作用形成的,其中温度的因素更大。The breast wall concrete crack is caused by side load and temperature, and the latter plays a more important role in it.

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熔窑冷修不用拆胸墙就可以更换断头的挂钩砖和胸墙托板,方法新颖,节约投资,效果良好。The tuckstones with broken end and bearing plate for breast wall can be replaced without demolishing breast wall during cold repair.

胸墙是码头的重要结构,其施工质量是码头使用寿命和外观的重要因素。Breastwall is an important structure of the terminal. Its construction quality is a key factor of terminal service life and appearance.

那是说,他伏在三重铁丝网下陡峭地朝下削的地方,抬头朝着石块和土坯垒成的胸墙大声呼喊。That is, he had lain down where the ground fell sharply away below the triple belt of wire and shouted up at the rock and earth parapet.

梳式防波堤和带减压倒L型胸墙的斜坡堤都是防波堤结构的创新。Comb-like breakwater and rubble mound breakwater with pressure-relieving inverted-L breast wall are innovations of breakwater structures.

扶壁式轻型桥台是由台帽、耳墙、扶壁、胸墙、群桩承台、锥坡、裙墙组成。The buttressed light type abutment consists of abutment cap, side wall, buttress, breast wall, group pile cap, conical slope and skirt wall.

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底板、闸墩和截水墙等为其子结构,交通桥、工作桥和胸墙等处理为内部支撑。The floor, piers and intercepting walls are its substructures. the traffic bridge, operating bridge and altar are treated as internal supports.

在胸墙左角,我们可以看到集合在圣德尼街上的一营郊区军队前面几排的士兵。In the angle at the left of this epaulement,there was visible the head of the column of a battalion from the suburbs massed in the Rue Saint-Denis.

为减少码头前沿的反射波高,巧妙地在卸荷板和胸墙中设置进、出水孔和消浪室。Water inlet&outlet and wave breaking chambers are arranged for relieving slab and breast wall to reduce the reflected wave height alongside the berth.

并以此为依据,提出有胸墙的溢流坝的堰顶上、下游及胸璃底缘的曲线型式和相应的计算公式。On this basis, the curve shapes and the formulas of upstream crest and downstream crest and those under the breast wall of the spillway dam are presented.

安灼拉始终把手肘支在胸墙上,注视着街的尽头,点了一下头。Enjolras, who was still leaning on his elbows at his embrasure, made an affirmative sign with his head, but without taking his eyes from the end of the street.

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通过对模板系统的设计施工、钢筋制安及混凝土浇筑等几个方面的系统论述,阐明了胸墙施工的主要施工工艺及质量控制要点。Special constructing techniques are applied in formwork system in order to ensure constructing quality and save time, and quality control points are also introduced.

由扶壁、耳墙、胸墙组成的框架抵抗水平荷载,而以承台、桩基抵抗垂直及水平荷载的共同作用力。The frame, which is formed by buttress, breast wall and side wall bear the horizontal loads, and group pile cap bears the resultant force of vertical and horizontal loads.

大流量漫滩洪水时进口两侧可能出现的间歇性吸气漩涡,可采用将胸墙向上游倾斜的方式予以消减。Both sides of intake maybe occur intermittent inspiration vortex with high flow flood in floodplain. It can be subtracted by means of inclining the breast wall to the upstream.