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其中四个郡县男人和女人的平均寿命相同。Four of the five counties are the same for both men and women.

福布斯的排名倾向于那些具有好学区的郡县。Forbes' rankings are skewed toward counties with good school districts.

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Waldman和他的小组发现,降雨量多的郡县,孤独症的发病率较高。Waldman and his team found that autism rates were higher in the rainiest counties.

在过去的10至20年间,这些郡县居民的平均寿命有大幅增长。These counties have seen huge increases in life expectancy over the last 10-20 years.

平均寿命最低的这五个郡县的女性排名在至少102个国家之后,男性排名在116个国家之后。These lowest five are ranked behind at least 102 countries for women and 116 for men.

美联社和益普索联合调查的最新调查结果显示,大多数美国人认为郡县的经济不景气。Most Americans think the county is in a recession. That's according to a new AP Ipsos poll.

邦国负责收税也包纳交集很多郡县一级的治理职责。States collect taxes and subsume many of the responsibilities of governing from the county.

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东晋南朝时代,侨州郡县普遍设置乃至成为一种制度。Emigrant state and county were widely set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty.

北东郡是这个国家少数相对适合种植草坪的郡县之一。The Northeast is one of the relatively few regions in the country that are actually well suited to lawns.

公元前110年,西汉在海南岛设置郡县,开创了海南岛有文字可考的历史。Hainan first enters written Chinese history in 110 BC, when the Han Dynasty established a military garrison there.

该州21个郡县、566个市及超过600个学区里有几千名公众官员。There are thousands of public officials in the state’s 21 counties, 566 municipalities and over 600 school districts.

新调查报告显示,四分之三知名庄园所在地的房价都比同一郡县的平均房价高。A new report shows that three-quarters of areas with well-known estates had higher house prices than the county average.

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该公司收集各种房源挂牌服务、郡县估价员和记录员的数据以及来自客户的信息。The company compiles data from multiple listing services, county assessors and recorders, and information from its users.

然而,他们仍未脱离秦代以来或言封建、或言郡县的窠臼。Their theories, however, failed to break away from the beaten track of feudal system or system of prefectures and counties.

印第安纳在2006年恢复执行全州统一的夏时制,但仍然是东时区和中央时区各有郡县。Indiana resumed observing daylight saving on a statewide basis in 2006, but it still has counties in both Eastern and Central Time.

这样,孙吴之经学主要依靠儒学世族之“家学”、“私学”及郡县“学官”而得以传播。Conseguently, Confucianism in the Kingdom of Wu continues by means of private schools and official lecturers in prefectures and counties.

虽然如此,东晋南朝设立侨州郡县、实施侨置制度,起码在当时仍然是利大于弊。But the advantage of setting of emigrant state and county in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty was bigger than shortcoming.

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郡县地名避讳按对象可以分为敬讳、忌讳和憎讳三大类,这三种类型又可以细分。Counties can be divided by object names shy of Taboo, taboo, taboo, and hate the three categories, these three types can be further divided.

本文拟从郡县归属失考、郡县名称失考、误引文献、诸州郡县置废失考、侯国建置失考等五个方面例举其误谬所在,从而为学界更好的利用此书提供某种帮助。This article draws up from five aspects discovers its mistake to be at, thus provides some kinds of help for educational world to use this book.

美国司法部将向约20个州的65个城市和郡县派出数百名公务员监督选举投票工作。The U.S. Department of Justice has sent hundreds of employees to more than 65 cities and counties in approximately 20 states to monitor the elections.