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她是那么冰清玉洁。She is cold and chaste.

冰清玉洁雪样白。As pure and white as snow.

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我会成为一个冰清玉洁的圣徒。I'll be a double-distilled saint.

一个是白莲花,那是男孩的初恋,冰清玉洁,美丽如梦。The first is the lotus flower. She is the boy’s first love.

玉盘似的圆月挂上了树梢,那缕缕冰清玉洁的月光如水般温柔。If the moon hangs venicosum, the wisps of pure treetop gentle water-like moonlight.

那么常娥呢,她依然背靠桂花树,守着冰清玉洁的孤单吗?E it as often, she still backed by osmanthus tree, guarding pure and noble of alone?

玫瑰表达爱情,梅花表示坚强,牡丹显示富丽堂皇,百合花象征冰清玉洁。The Rose expression of love, express a strong plum, display magnificent peony, lily pure symbol.

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玻璃家具能够营造出冰清玉洁、典雅脱俗的家居气氛。Vitreous furniture can build elegant and a pure and noble, free from vulgarity household atmosphere.

“三九”,亦是一个冬天的支点,形成一个冰清玉洁季节的最终元素,令灵魂回归本真和淡定。"39", is also a winter's fulcrum, forming a the final element of the season, so that the soul back into true and Dan Ding.

竹取公主冰清玉洁,唇红齿白,貌美如花,很快就在当地传开,许多王卿贵族都慕名而来。Bamboo take princess pure beautiful flower, labial red tine is white, and soon in the locality, many WangQing noble of customers.

他说不上她的笑里藏的是些什么--多情的苦恼,或者只是一种理想,一种冰清玉洁的幻想。He could not tell what was behind that smile of hers-passionate aching or only some ideal, some chaste and glacial intangibility.

花,是传达情感的使者。玫瑰表达爱情,梅花表示坚强,牡丹显示富丽堂皇,百合花象征冰清玉洁。Flowers are the messenger to convey emotion. The Rose expression of love, express a strong plum, display magnificent peony, lily pure symbol.

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就是这样一种没有重量的亲热,从任何角度看,似乎它们都是那么的完美无暇冰清玉洁,白得炫目,白得自然。This is not the weight of an affectionate , from any point of view, it would appear that they are so perfect and pure, dazzling white, natural white.

描绘冰清玉洁、自在逍遥的神女形象,充分表现了当时辞赋创作疏离屈骚传统、超越世俗人生的倾向。He describes pure, noble and unfettered goddess in his works and shows the tendency of the creation of Sao style to depart from Qu Yuan's traditional way.

玻璃是一种普通建材,水晶玻璃马赛克以其晶莹剔透、冰清玉洁、五光十色、流光溢彩等特殊的视觉效果,被建筑与室内设计广泛应用。And crystal glass mosaic has been widely applied into architectural and interior design for the glittering, pure and noble, resplendent and streaming visual effect.

该作品通过描绘一个身着美丽鲜艳的民族服饰,微微低头的青年女子,刻画出朝鲜女人气质优雅和冰清玉洁之美。It shows traditionally a noble and a pure beauty of Korean lady through beautiful and elegant Korean dress, glittering personal and hair ornaments and a heroine girl with little bow of her head.