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你是孤独的、孤独的,你是一个隐士,你变得不可理喻。It is lonely.

隐士举手合十在他的额顶。The Hermit crossed his brow.

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她摇了摇头,“可以成为一个很优秀隐士的一个孤独者。”She shook her head. “A loner.

一位盲隐士敲钟报漏。A blind hermit rings the hour.

那隐士住在村中。The hermit abided in the village.

我的祖父是著名的隐士!My grand-père, the famous recluse!

真正的隐士是一种罕见的病。The true hermit is a rare aberration.

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象自然间耐心的、不眠的隐士Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite

像自然间耐心的、不眠的隐士。Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite.

00瓶"隐士山"葡萄酒He ordered 200 bottles of Hermitage wine.

你知道吗?我现在就是有点隐士。You know what I am a bit of an anchorite.

动物和人都来找我这个隐士。Animal and man come unto me, the anchorite.

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隐士血流奔涌,太阳穴随之悸动。His temples throbbed with the rush of blood.

那些吃蚱蜢的隐士们,最好Those grasshopper-eating hermits were so good

把隐士、王冠和刀剑扔进深坑。Hurl helmets, crowns, and swords into the pit.

“父亲”将他的家庭描述为“隐士”。The Father describes his family as anchorites.

隐士中的隐士,那么我们将会在哪里?RECLUSES AMONG recluses, where will we be then?

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据说有位隐士曾在此炼丹。A hermit is said to have practiced alchemy here.

隐士隐居者,遁世者,尤。A recluse or hermit, especially a religious recluse.

他被解职后成了隐士。He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.