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你从什么时侯开端有这种痛的?。What kind of pain is it?

这将是开端。This will be the begining.

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然后他们都开端吹泡泡。Then they all blow bubbles.

Gmail做的,是一个良好开端的示范!Gmail is off to a good start!

得胜只是一个簇新的开端。It is only a beginning always.

从现在开端参加圆香教。Join the Church of Madoka now.

战争一开端,天堂门敞开。When war begins then hell opens.

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你说的我觉得是个好的开端I think that's a good first step.

你开端有皱纹了。You are starting to get wrinkles.

他于一九八八年开端学习法律。He commenced studying law in 1988.

我开端发抖,抽咽,祷告,请求。I shake , I weep, I pray, I plead.

现在它仅是一个漫长过程的开端。It is the start of a long process.

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这会让你有一个好的开端。This should give you a good start.

这个座位号已开端登机了吗?Has the seat bulk started boarding?

你什么时分开端学英语地?When did you start studying for it?

茶会下战书六点半开端。The tea party began at half past six.

“那这是个开端,”咨询师说。"That's a start," said the counselor.

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但我们已经讲到它的开端了。But we've seen the beginnings of this.

应用步骤引擎的用度没有开端。App Engine costs nothing to get started.

布拉德利的努力仅仅是个开端。Bradley’s effort was just the beginning.