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我不愿意承认,但我确实常常杞人忧天。I hate to admit it, but I'm a worrier.

我们现在的生活方式毋庸置疑是不具可持续性的,但为什么过往的历史证明这是杞人忧天。How we live today is clearly unsustainable.

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“杞人忧天”这个成语讥笑那些没有必要或毫无根据的忧虑。This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.

那些流行病预警是杞人忧天吓唬人的吗?Were all those pandemic warnings just scare-mongering?

我会告诉她“宝贝儿,记住,你妈妈是个杞人忧天者。Baby, " I'll tell her, "remember, your momma is a worrier.

别杞人忧天了,你要学会看开一点。Don't be such a worry wart, you have to learn how to relax.

我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天。We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear.

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太过吹毛求疵,唠叨琐碎,杞人忧天,追求完美,思想保守。Fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative.

杞人忧天的人需要安全感和鼓励帮助他们克服恐惧。Worrywarts need reassurance and encouragement to overcome their fears.

以上我是编造的,就像那些杞人忧天的家伙一样。I made that up, in the same way that alarmists have made up the threat levels.

对“波兰水管工”涌入发达国家的忧虑可谓杞人忧天。Fears of an invasion of "Polish plumbers" apparently turned out to be unfounded.

比较杞人忧天的问题是,一旦宝贵的资源开发殆尽蒙古将何去何从?The looming question is what Mongolia will do once its finite treasures have run out.

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女人总是多愁善感,为一些不足道的小事哀愁感伤或者杞人忧天。Women always yearn for the small matter of some insignificant sad pathos or unfounded.

这个明显的问题已经持续10年了,最终我们会恐慌,但结果会是杞人忧天。An obvious issue for 10 years, we will panic at the end and finally much ado about nothing.

在我看来,基本的问题是,环保团体组织过于杞人忧天。The fundamental problem, as I see it, is that environmental groups are too often alarmists.

杞人忧天者则害怕人口小国韩国也将超过日本。Alarmists fear that South Korea—which has a much smaller population—may overtake Japan, too.

也许这一大批发出警报的科学家只是杞人忧天。Maybe the large number of scientists who caution about impending catastrophes are worrywarts.

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它只是一个非常非常低活性的问题所以大家不必杞人忧天。It is only a question of very, very low activities so it is nothing for people to worry about.

就一般工作及生活而言,您认为自己是否会感到困扰或杞人忧天?Do you think whether or not you got any sense of obsession or fike regarding conventional work and life?

杞人忧天者制造了三个常见的“荒谬故事”,它们没有历史或科学证据的基础。Alarmists have nurtured three common 'myths' that have no grounding in historical or scientific evidence.