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“绿牌”用来警告球员不礼貌的行为。A green card for bad manners.

大量的黏土被用来造砖。Much clay is used for bricks.

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刀子是被用来削铅笔的。Knives are used to cut pencils.

用来栽培菇类的树木。Trees used for mushroom growing.

用来封闭管路,作用与管堵相同。Used for sealing pipe, and pipe.

用来采摘蛇麻草的工具。An instrument for picking a lock.

砌图游戏一只!最啱用来消磨时间!Chat used to spend the most time!

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煤油被用来点灯。Kerosene was used to light lamps.

罗伊特伦顿用来驱动一辆出租车。Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi.

这条毛巾被用来擦干我的头发。The towel is used to dry my hair.

想买把手锯用来锯木。有咩好介绍?Any good suggestion for a wood saw?

肯定要归到用来造酒的那堆Went surely to the cider-apple heap

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用来将针头安装在胶筒上的转接头。Adapters to fit needle to cartridge.

电被用来开动机器。Electricity is used to run machines.

也可用来抵税。Tax deductibility is also available.

这个船坞是设计用来维修的。This dock was designed for repairing.

这把刀子被用来削水果。This knife is used to peel the fruit.

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一段用来存放数据的存储区域。A region of storage used to hold data.

他砍了一根结实的树枝用来拄着走路。He cut a stout stick to help him walk.

谢谢,罗斯。-用来叫你停止的好吧。Thanks, Ross. -I'm paying you to stop.