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瓢泼大雨阻碍了我们的旅行。Heavy rain impeded our journey.

瓢泼大雨猛烈地下了起来。The rain commenced pouring violently down.

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瓢泼大雨已下了一整夜。The rain's been bucketing down all evening.

如今真的下起了瓢泼大雨,它们感到自己已经有备无患。Now, it's pouring─and companies feel prepared.

半夜时分,下起了瓢泼大雨。The pounding rain began in the middle of the night.

天天将要下瓢泼大雨,但是他还是会像往常同样去上班。It will rain cats and dogs tomorrow, but he will go to work as usual.

如果天空之神生气了,将会雷声大作,降下瓢泼大雨,引发洪水等等。If the sky god is "angry" there will be thunder, heavy downpour, floods, etc.

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老天爷好像成心捉弄人,很多人前来看比赛却偏偏下起瓢泼大雨。Ironically, most people came to watch the match on the day it poured with rain.

外面正下着瓢泼大雨,未便旅行。你看河北的名胜古迹。It is inconvenient for us to go traveling, It is raining cats and dogs outside.

他回来时正下着瓢泼大雨,所以他看上去像个落汤鸡。It was raining dogs and cats when he came home, so he looked like a drowned rat.

没带雨伞却遭遇瓢泼大雨,多数人会加快脚步。WHEN caught in pouring rain without an umbrella, most people pick up their pace.

一场瓢泼大雨使足球比赛被迫推迟了半个小时。The football match had to hold off for about half an hour because of a driving rain.

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一天之内,晴雨的交替可达数十次,一旦下雨就是瓢泼大雨。During a single day, it can rain and shine a dozen times. And when it rains it pours.

天下起了瓢泼大雨,广场变成了泥潭,居住环境十分悲惨。It rained like crazy, turning the Mall to mud and making living conditions miserable.

在野餐进行到一半时突然下起瓢泼大雨,每个人都成了落汤鸡。In the middle of the picnic, it started to rain cats and dogs and everybody got soaked.

卡罗莱纳州居民备战热带风暴埃内斯托,瓢泼大雨即将来袭。Residents of the Carolinas are getting ready for heavy rain from tropical storm Ernesto today.

数千名教徒不顾瓢泼大雨和电闪雷鸣参加了星期天在圣彼得广场举行的活动。Thousands attended the Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square braving the heavy rain and occasional thunder.

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警察已经控制了大巴,瓢泼大雨中,救护车等候在车外。Police had now regained control of the bus, and in pouring rain, ambulances lined up next to the vehicle.

他们已经不再理会屋外的瓢泼大雨,风雨的呼啸惹得她在他的臂弯里哈哈大笑。They did not heed the crashing torrents, and the roar of the elements made her laugh as she lay in his arms.

纵观时尚界,你会发现一些“天气友好型”的配饰同样能抵御瓢泼大雨。Look around the fashion world, and you'll find weather-friendly accessories that can withstand even the *soggiest of days.