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中国不会放手不管,你孤军奋战。The Chinese government does not care what will happen, you are not alone.

反对派也承认,他们不能只靠孤军奋战。The anti-Gaddafi forces acknowledge that they could not have done it alone.

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彼得被公司抛下不管,其妻艾莉丝惟有孤军奋战。Abandoned by the company, Peter's wife, Alice, must deal with it on her own.

剩下麒麟在这个街区战场中孤军奋战。Remain kylin to fight bravely in an isolated force in this block battlefield.

以鲁尼现在的状态来看,即便他只能单枪匹马、孤军奋战,也需要特殊照顾。On present form Rooney, even when required to fend for himself, demands special treatment.

是的,教导孩子基本价值观的人是父母,但是父母不应孤军奋战。Yes, parents are the ones who teach basic values to our children but we can't do it alone.

但是经过了一年的孤军奋战,他极其渴望找到一合作伙伴来帮助改良他的这一方案。But after a year of toiling alone, he grew eager to find a partner to help refine his idea.

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答案在于,在传统观点看来,就是一个士兵从不孤军奋战Well, the answer is, in the traditional view, is that he was never meant to stand by himself.

突然,我不再喜欢孤军奋战,这点似乎变重要了,在我的生命中,爱的地位也高过职业了。Suddenly not being alone seemed important and love was a bigger priority for my life than career.

美国,无论是孤军奋战或与人共奋进,都因为共同致力于他们的原则而团结。America whether standing alone or marching together, are united by their devotion to there principles.

无论如何我不可能让范佩西一整年在前锋线上孤军奋战,这不能坚持太长时间。However I cannot isolate Robin van Persie up there the whole year. It does not work on a longer period.

但伊朗的异见人士并非孤军奋战,一些对其同情的黑客组织也在不遗余力的帮助他们可以始终在线。Iranian dissidents are not alone in their struggle, however, as several sympathetic hacker groups have been working to keep them online.

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全球中小投资者一方面通过此事可以认识到自己并非孤军奋战,另一方面却要在雷曼兄弟公司倒闭的影响中苦苦挣扎。Smaller investors around the world can take heart that they are in good company as they grapple with what a Lehman bankruptcy means for them.

汽车行业必须与相关行业同步发展,共同进步,“孤军奋战”或“一枝独秀”不可能使中国成为汽车强国。Automobile industry and related industries must be synchronous development and progress, "alone" or "monolith" may not make China an automobile.

人到晚年仍然奔波劳累,牵肠挂肚。他们在理财、照顾身体和家庭上得孤军奋战。Life in old age continues to BE work and worry. One has to manage the finances, take care of one's health and home without the help of children.

在亚马逊流域的小村庄里,一把锄头,一大杯水,我孤军奋战,击退了浩浩荡荡的、凶狠的蚂蚁大军。Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedlydefended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious armyants.

在亚马逊流域的小村庄里,一把锄头,一大杯水,我孤军奋战,击退了浩浩荡荡的、凶狠的蚂蚁大军。Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants.

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最新研究表明,人在疲劳时更要学会“抱团”,团队合作的力量不仅能帮你赶走疲劳,还能提高解决问题的能力,远比“孤军奋战”要好。Fatigued individuals who work together as a team display better problem-solving skills than those who face their fatigue alone, according to new research.

本内收集整理的数据——以及其他科学家20多年来地孤军奋战——诞生了一门新学科——实验胚胎学。Bygren's data — along with those of many other scientists working separately over the past 20 years — have given birth to a new science called epigenetics.

如果网络服务可以以受信任的数据交换为基础聚合为一个“联邦”,他们就能够比孤军奋战时访问到更加实时和有关系的数据。If web services could assemble as a “federation” based on trusted data exchanges, they could get access to more timely and relevant data than they otherwise would on their own.