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龙眼是木雕良材。Longan is wood timber.

这个木雕多少钱?How much is this wood carving?

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那个木雕非常珍贵。That wood carving is very rare.

玛斯是该岛著名的木雕中心。Masi is well-known wood center island.

圣乌尔立赫小镇以木雕而著名。St. Ulrich is famous for wood carving.

玛斯是该岛著名的木雕中心。Masi island is famous woodcarving centre.

那件榆木的斜倚木雕是特殊的。The elm reclining figures are exceptional.

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老威尔斯人精于木雕。The old Welshman was skillful in woodcarving.

关于木雕,这位男生说了什麽?。What does the man say about the woodcarvings?

木雕是这个村的特殊工艺品。Wood-carvings are a speciality of this village.

我特别喜欢墙上的木雕。I especially like the woodcarvings on the walls.

它是在精致的木雕和平缓看到的。It is exquisite in carvings and gentlest to see.

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你看看这房梁上精致的木雕。Look at these beautiful wood carvings on the beams.

这些木雕真可以说是精雕细刻。These wooden carvings are very delicate and refined.

打开包,里面是一个胖乎乎的黑红木雕小象。There was a small, fat black mahogany elephant in it.

Chios和Mitilini同样是具有木雕文化传统的地点。Chios and Mitilini also boast wood-carving traditions.

龙眼木雕以圆雕为主,也有浮雕、镂透雕。Longan woodcarving Yuandiao, relief, Toudiao, also have.

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印尼的木雕可以为屋子增加几分神秘。Indonesian woodcarving can make the room a little secret.

它在古代被用做木雕家具,是很高很大的。It used in ancient woodcarving furniture, it is very high.

弟从尼泊尔寄回来的其中一个木雕。It's one of the woodcarvings sent from Nepal by my bother.