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这是一种兼容并包的世界观。It is an all inclusive world-view.

这么一来霍布斯就成了第一位典型的兼容并包者。So Hobbes is the first classic compatibilist.

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但是霍布斯是一位兼容并包主义者,他认为自由意志是可以融会贯通的。But Hobbes was a compatibilist, he thought that free will and compatible.

他是位兼容并包主义者,认为自由意志可以和决定论相协调。He is a compatibilist, he thinks free will is compatible with determinism.

但在艺术创作和教学活动中具有兼容并包的气度。However, in artistic creation and teaching activities with inclusive tolerance.

由于友好、温和以及在非正式的普通区域,他提供了兼容并包的环境和良好的电气氛围。It offers an eclectic and electric ambiance thanks to its friendly, warm and casual common areas.

为了实实在在创造一个兼容并包的信息社会,我们必须注意到计划远未完成。A long-unfinished agenda must be addressed to create a truly inclusive information society for all.

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在他的团队中,他兼容并包,努力实现对手与朋友共事,在这点上,奥巴马可与亚伯拉罕·林肯比肩。He has been compared to Abraham Lincoln in his willingness to include rivals as well as friends on his team.

对其应取兼容并包之态度,则是对中国现代绘画艺术的发展起到促进作用。If we have attitude to including in one and monoplize it we will promote the development of the painting art.

随着中西文化的交流互动,文化的兼容并包是现代文化的发展趋势。As the interaction between Chinese and western culture and the culture and modern culture is the development trend.

过去,纳兰德是一所佛教大学,但它能兼容并包佛教的多种阐明。In the old days, Nalanda was a Buddhist university, but it was remarkably open to many interpretations of that religion.

在此基础上,文章又着重论述了西赛罗兼容并包各类权力要求的共和法治理论。第五部分写的是西赛罗法律思想的影响及其评价。In the fifth part, the writer discussed the influences of Cicero's thoughts of law on the subsequent evolution of thoughts of law.

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蔡元培做北大校长的时候提倡兼容并包,让各种不同的意见都能够在校园里找到自己的声音。While president of Peking University, Cai Yuanpei advocated an all-encompassing educational theory, and all kinds of voices on campus.

威廉。埃华特和约瑟夫。布拉德顿继续为了一个更加兼容并包的公共图书馆条例而努力奋斗。William Ewart and Joseph Brotherton continued with their struggle for a more generous and comprehensive approach to public library provision.

不过,传统的娱乐项目依然有其发展空间,这体现了当时天津文化兼容并包的特点。However, the traditional entertainment project still has its development space, which embodies the all-embracing characteristic in Tianjin culture.

茅盾通过创作、论评、译丛和办刊等文学活动阐扬了兼容并包的开放性文类意识。Mao Dun popularized the compatible and open consciousness of literary genre by writing, reviewing, translating, publishing and other literary activities.

我们当下的任务是竭尽全力以支持利比亚人民的意愿——有效过渡到一个自由、民主、兼容并包的的利比亚。Our task now is to do all we can to support the will of the Libyan people, which is for an effective transition to a free, democratic and inclusive Libya.

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许多联邦制的支持者认为,为保证在多元化国家中兼容并包所有元素,背离“一人一票”是值得的。And many supporters of federalism say that deviating from OPOV is a price worth paying in order to make sure that all elements in a diverse country feel included.

要建立一个具有中华民族特色的歌唱艺术体系必须走一条融会中西、兼容并包的实践之路。The only possible way to build a singing art system with Chinese national features lies in combining the Chinese and western theories and practice of this sector.

明清时期河湟文化的特质为伊斯兰文化、汉文化、藏传佛教文化多元鼎立、兼容并包,各文化既独立发挥着自身的功能,又以这些功能保持着相互间割舍不断的联系。The features of the He Huang culture of the Ming-Qing period contain a plural combination of Islamic, Han and Tibetan Buddhist cultures, in which none of them is dominant.