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派特医生不在这儿行医了.Dr. Pat is no longer in practice here.

他在华埠行医多年。He doctored in Chinatown for many years.

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他获得了行医执照。He was licensed to practice as a doctor.

现在的行医政策。Hopefully they've cleared it up a little bit.

传统医务人员可能未获认证,或无照行医。Practitioners may not be certified or licensed.

工作的重点是在行医时对病人的关怀方面。The emphasis was on the human side of doctoring.

从你们出生前至今,她一直在行医。She has been doctoring since before you were born.

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先是在福建厦门行医。She practiced medicine in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

首先在福建厦门行医。She practised medicine in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

去年,医疗委员会共取消了60名医生的行医资格。Last year the GMC struck off a total of 60 doctors.

1990年,Chevjey喇嘛死后,他的学生继续在美国行医。He died in 1990, but his students continue to practice.

民间草医,年青时拜许多名师,行医70多年。He is a Chinese medical practitioner with 70 years of working experiences.

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据悉,坐堂行医试点也将在我省启动。It is learnt that the pilot Zuotang practise in our province will also start.

不但行医,也鼓励着我研究人生。It is they who encourage me not only to practice medicine but also study life.

基于这个理由,我已决订把行医作为未来的职业。For this reason I have decided to take practicing medicine as my future career.

拥有二十年行医经验的德赛医生无法解释卢卡莎娜的状况。Dr. Desai, who has two decades' experience, couldn't explain Ms. Ruksana's condition.

莱弗勒是一位家庭医生,在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市行医。Dr. Maggie Leffler is a physician, practicing family medicine in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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我国现行刑法典336条第一款新设了非法行医罪。No. 336, Section l of our country's penal code set up illegal practice medicine crime newly.

例︰基于这个理由¸我已确定把行医作为他日的职业。For this reason, I have decided to take prair conditionersticing medicine as my future career.

他还是第一个取得香港行医执照的中国医学堂毕业生。He was the first one graduated in China medical school and became a practitioner in Hong Kong.