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所以这是不公平的。So not fair.

我认为这就是不公平。I think it’s unjust.

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对,是不公平。True. It’s not fair.

我觉得这是不公平的。I think that is unjust.

我认为这就是不公平。I think that is unjust.

我们主张公平竞赛。We stand for fair play.

她的命运对她公平吗?What about her destiny?

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反之则不公平。And if not, it's unjust.

烝羿相信上帝是公平的。Believe that god is fair.

他极不公平地指谪她。This referee is not fair.

谁能定夺所谓的公平?Who decides what is fair?

未免也太不公平吧?Also too is rather unfair?

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Sandel问大家,这是否公平?Sandel asks, is this fair?

这对他们不公平。Like, it's not fair to them.

这样是否公平?Now, is this just or unjust?

公平的机会均等。Fair equality of opportunity.

公平对待和廉洁自律。Fair treatment and integrity.

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公平是法律的原则。Justice stands behind the law.

他们受到了公平的赏罚。Justice was meted out to them.

不管有多么不公平或是颠倒是非。No matter how unfair or wrong.