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最终我还是得到了蒜薹。Finally, I got ten garlic stems.

这些家伙给了我蒜薹。These guys gave me garlic stems.

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毫无疑问,我可以得到很多蒜薹。No doubt about it, I will have a lot of garlic stem.

TIBA也能抑制离体蒜薹切段的伸长。TIBA also inhibited elongation of excised garlic bolt segments.

我公司每年四月份就准备好了保鲜蒜薹的冷库和晾晒蒜头场地。I am on year in April ready for the cold fresh Garlic and garlic laundry facilities.

通过石蜡切片、电子显微镜对不同产地的蒜薹结构进行了研究。The morphology of 4 producing zones of garlic scapes had been studied by LM and SEM.

我公司长期供应各种规格各种包装的蒜薹,欢迎各界朋友来电来函洽谈业务!We can supply all kinds of garlic sprout. If you want to order . You can contact us all the time.

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研究源于大蒜花苞的生长素对蒜薹伸长生长的影响。We studied the effect of auxin derived from inflorescence on garlic bolt elongation in Allium sativum L.

从而导出气温通过作用于产量,最终影响蒜薹价格的结论。It was concluded that air temperature can finally effect the garlic price through its action on garlic yield.

三辆满载新鲜和冷冻蒜薹的大卡车3月16日从彭州市出发并于3月20日到达太原市。Three trucks carrying fresh, frozen garlic sprouts started from Pengzhou on March 16 and arrived in Taiyuan on March 20.

然而,由于受栽培季节的严格限制,新鲜蒜薹和蒜头的供应期非常有限。However, because of the strict limit of the cultivated season, the period of supply of the fresh scape and bulb of garlic is extremely limited.

基地蒜薹、蒜米畅销全国10多个大中城市,并出口日本、韩国等国家和地区。Al-Garlic, garlic sold more than 10 large and medium-sized cities in the country and exported to Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions.

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为了扩大这一市场,彭州市委的同志们在市委书记门生的带领下来到太原参加蒜薹销售活动。And, in order to expand this market, members of the committee, led by Men Sheng, have taken the initiative and started selling garlic sprouts themselves.

据此提出了兴建冷库,增加蒜薹品种以错开收获期等提高蒜农收入的发展对策。The development countermeasures of building refrigeratory bank, increasing garlic varieties to stagger harvest stage to enhance garlic peasant's income were put forward.